
The Fiction Of Eternal Consciousness

15 posts in this topic

This man has some rather good points.

Thoughts? Rebuttals? I really want to see this man and Rupert Spira in a discussion. That would be explosively good! 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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1-2 minutes in, he thinks about "pure consciousness" as something individual that "someone" has or doesn't have and can do something with it. That's already wrong. No need to watch further for me.

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5 minutes ago, Toby said:

1-2 minutes in, he thinks about "pure consciousness" as something individual that "someone" has or doesn't have and can do something with it. That's already wrong. No need to watch further for me.

Watch it, I also cringed there a bit, but don't close your eyes and ears. Just because he has one thing "wrong" (but I don't know that, perhaps it's a deep seated belief being challenged)  doesn't mean the rest is invalid. Furthermore, since pure consciousness is not something you have, how is it you're writing about it? Let me clarify, if consciousness is eternal and everything is made of consciousness, then you are it and you have it at the same time. There is nothing else to have or not have... In Advaita 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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12 minutes ago, Toby said:

1-2 minutes in, he thinks about "pure consciousness" as something individual that "someone" has or doesn't have and can do something with it. That's already wrong. No need to watch further for me.

The objective "subjective truth" may very well be Advaita - it is, but who says our experience (subjective) is the only Truth in existence? 

Furthermore, if there is no you, which is the very end-goal of Advaita, then your experience is in fact NOT a measure of Truth, because it is illusory 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Well, watched some minutes more. Of course what he is describing is the quality of "chit" ("sat-chit-andanda"). Of course that is not final reality. Rupert would say the exact same. It's the kind of "'I-AM-consciousness' arises and subsides in Awareness".

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15 minutes ago, Toby said:

Well, watched some minutes more. Of course what he is describing is the quality of "chit" ("sat-chit-andanda"). Of course that is not final reality. Rupert would say the exact same. It's the kind of "'I-AM-consciousness' arises and subsides in Awareness".

What I'm saying, perhaps there could be something OUTSIDE of awareness, something like a SUPERCOMPUTER which is not aware at all. I came to think of computers when I started contemplating Sophia and that she is operating but has no light of awareness.

Of course she is probably just a parrot, but that doesn't mean there can't be something unexplainable and even unseeable.. And obviously that unseeable would not be possible to be proven by experience. But it doesn't mean it's not there! Just because we don't see something doesn't mean it's not there! It means it can't be proven, but Truth doesn't need to be proven to be True

Is it not true that we don't know what is outside of awareness? @Toby We sometimes pretend we know. This is just a reminder that we know nothing

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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23 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Furthermore, if there is no you, which is the very end-goal of Advaita, then your experience is in fact NOT a measure of Truth, because it is illusory 

There is no end-goal in Advaita. And the "no self" thing is only an aspect of "Advaita". It is not the full picture and no teacher I respect said anything to the contrary.

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1 hour ago, Toby said:

There is no end-goal in Advaita. And the "no self" thing is only an aspect of "Advaita". It is not the full picture and no teacher I respect said anything to the contrary.

Let's not get conceptual.  What I mean is Advaita is about understanding Yourself, not objective reality.

Now we don't have evidence for an objective reality, but does no evidence mean it is not true? It only means we can never be certain. 

So why do we believe that knowing thyself means knowing the Truth (ultimate truth)?? Perhaps it's the only truth relevant, but when one respects truth for it's own sake, it doesnt matter whether it is relevant, helpful or not, etc...

What if God (pure awareness) is also ignorant, because it doesn't acknowledge anything outside it (due to it's inability to)

Perhaps the subjective truth is "Not Two", but the ultimate truth is "Not two and Not emptiness and not oneness" hahah, but that truth could never be verified in experience. 

We take that only experience is valid, which is cool for investigating the Self, but how are we sure we can even begin to investigate the Ultimate (Perhaps God has a shadow to work on accepting too :D but im way out of my league here even suggesting that - but who will tell the King that he's without clothes? )  

@Toby was the Earth flat before people had any evidence that it was round? Evidence means nothing for the Truth. It means something only to us. 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodo "

2 hours ago, Dodo said:

What I'm saying, perhaps there could be something OUTSIDE of awareness, something like a SUPERCOMPUTER which is not aware at all.

"The absolute does not know itself at all". Nisargadatta

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Does Rupert Spira talk about different fields of consciousness?

The experience of reality is the experience of consciousness. You can't deny your experience. This is your truth. The truth that is your mind (spaceline and timeline) is your field of consciousness.

If I don't understand the fields of consciousness than I don't understand the function of the mind. :)

When I'm talking about consciousness, I like to to keep in mind the following fields of consciousness:

  1. preconscious
  2. subconscious
  3. conscious
  4. continuing conscious
  5. super conscious
  6. subliminal conscious
  7. radial conscios

Also consider the terms individual personal subconscious and collective universal subconscious.

What about the personal mind and universal mind?

I am experiencing my own personal mind, you're experiencing your personal mind. The mind is a construct. I have a different construct of the mind then you do. The mind is stored in the vacuum. I am experiencing and not experiencing the mind. I am experiencing my personal mind which is stored in the universal mind of all personal minds. My personal field of consciousness carries the accepted truths of the mind.  I am experiencing this mind in right here, right now, like you do and everybody else. Everything is happening right here right now, we're just experiencing different parallel realities.

The here and now is the "location" of consciousness. Since you can experience everything only in the here and now, this is the experience of consciousness. I am consciousness. But I have a different experience of consciousness then you do, because awareness is aware of a different field of consciousness.

Everything comes out of nothing. Everything is nothing. Nothing is the absolute. The absolute is pure oneness.

Everything comes out of my being -from my essence.

I am experiencing this essence right here, right now.

I am my own universe, you are your own universe.

You are experiencing your own universe, your own reality.



Edited by AleksM

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Some thoughts on the video:

We as beings have our personal consciousness that picks up signals from another plane of existence, like a radio you have to tune into a frequency that already exists. The range of frequencies we can tune in is limited to our genetic makeup. DNA is the blueprint of the physical organism. DNA emits light. We are beings of light. We can change DNA. We can also watch DNA on video that's contracting and expanding, search it on youtube.


Understand that your cell is a pyramid, your body formation is a pyramid. You are a solar generator, you embody light, you generate light, you project and you receive light. And you are the creator of a holographic construct. That's how consciousness expands and evolves in infinite and vastness that you see around you. ~ Arcturus RA

My personal consciousness is the truth of my reality, of my truthfullness, and this is confirmed by experience that is happening here and now.

My personal truth, that is my mind can change, because it's subjective.

The consciousness field picks up the signals from another plane of parallel possible future creation timeline/spaceline and when the radio is synchronized to receive the frequencies from the station, this starts the process of integration.

The amount of consciousness that we have as beings is the same as the vibrational frequency that's present in our auric field.

Consciousness brings the particles of the atom into vibration.

The higher the consciousness the higher the vibrational frequency and thus the dimension of existence.

If you accept/allow the truth of lower consciousness that is stuck in the lower self then you can't be experiencing the truth of higher consciousness. Everything is connected to everything else, you cannot skip class.

Also I would say that awareness is prior to consciousness. Awareness is like light.


After 60 secs he speaks about super powers. But looks like he doesn't know there are thousands of super powers that can be integrated into the being and carried out. If I get super power X then this doesn't mean I can do the stuff that is the conseqence of super power L. xD


Edited by AleksM

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You have to take into account that "consciousness" is a very tricky word, and different people and traditions use it in different ways, which is why there can be lots of surface disagreement.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Dodo said:

This man has some rather good points.

Thoughts? Rebuttals? I really want to see this man and Rupert Spira in a discussion. That would be explosively good! 

I have a rebuttal! 

There is no them! 

There is only reality. What is. The isness - ONE BEING. We are immortal, that's why we are Alive NOW. And always will be! Consciousness and the Unconscious are married. The Unconscious will always spring the conscious into existence, making it Eternal

-1/12 is Infinity 

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There is little doubt that consciousness or the soul is eternal. I have experienced everything being IT (Call it whatever, nothingness, the absolute). So even an incest is the absolute , it's it. All that which is is it, there is nothing but it. And everything is made out of it (it was probably energy). But my consciousness didn't stop there, it went further, my journey stopped with God, the creator of all there is, that includes this nothingness which so many call the absolute, which somehow created itself and is everything. It doesn't stop with nothingness, nor does life stop with death, it is only upon death that we know reality as it is, that's when the truth about everything comes to the surface. Death is liberation, death is finally knowing Truth/Reality.

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