
On A Photoshop Perspective Of Reality

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[Through the Lens of Image and Sound Editing] Through my times of learning to edit, create and distort imagery and sound, I've learn quite a bit not just about how to distort such but more existential truths. If we compare photoshop, imovie and audacity to reality distorters, It brings out a certain perspective about how the thick layers of reality come together by backtracking the steps.

You see to the average person, All there is in a photo is color, shape and perhaps lighting. You can't truly fathom the depth of a imagery until you played with such an intensive program. The blurs, shapes, shades, effects, ripples, crispness, fonts, symmetry and a thousand other distortions. You'd have no idea how heavy lighting or selectively lighting plays a role in the environment of an image. Yet there are so many possible combinations of images that would qualify as "normal" looking albeit perhaps a high quality version. Yet as you explore even a slight change in shades, a completely brand new perspective is put into place.

It makes you not only realize how limited your literal view on life is but how much more appreciative you are of its depth. Those who watch videos or google some images have little appreciation for the depth of an image, the many possible edits it could have, or even what the original image was. Photo and Sound Editing are one of few skills that fundamental perspectives of reality are really put into place.



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I don't know why but this image says "God" to me. I kept on seeing it pop up in my awareness today and I have this deep sense that it is very familiar... Like I've seen it in another life or something and it left a huge impression for some reasonfractal-1232491_960_720.jpg

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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