
How Can I Gain A Sense Of Belonging?

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I never feel like I belong around people unless like they are like family or a few friends. Is this something I can learn to feel or is it just like if I feel like I belong then I feel like I belong?

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(Imo) Our mind creates loneliness. When we see that we feel or think differently, it creates the seperation and makes us feel like there is something deeply different about others. It is ok if nobody understands you. It just means you have a different, completely valid perspective, than what you're seeing around you.

For me developing self love was a good idea to getting my relationships better. I'd watch Leo's Power of self acceptance and do the practice starting around 8:20 if I remember correctly. After that watching this and the second part can be helpful

In the end it was about recognizing and accepting the separation progress for me. And do know the warmness comes from within. It's already with you.

If you have commitment issues which can definitely mess with belonging I'd watch Teal Swan's video on how to be committed. (Commitment issues can manifest in daily life such as career, not just relationships)

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You may temporarily feel like you belong to some group or to a certain job, but ultimately the only way to belong to anything is to actually know what you are existentially.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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