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Resonance, Beings Of Frequency, A Must-see Documentary

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Edited by AleksM

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This is not a concept but I think it's very important to mention and also an important thing to know in the current days of modern technology because electromagnetic frequencies distort consciousness.

Documentary talks about the schuman resonance 7.83Hz that is the natural frequency that brings us into harmony, that frequency comes from the earth. Electromagnetic radiation that comes from cell phones and cell towers distorts the natural earth schuman resonance and this is linked to cancer and all of the diseases (refrigerator, cell phones, cell towers...). Also an interesting point made in the video is about the electromagnetic radiation that comes from phones. There is a standard that limits this radiations (if I remember corretly 1.7 MHW for US and 2 for EU) and the cellphones emit like 1.59. And the tests that were done were using a model of an adult human skull to measure the effects of exposure. But the average child receives his first phone at the age of 8 years and when he's 20, he already has 12 years of exposure. Cellphones came 20 years ago, and the negative effects from using these are just becoming apparent. The documenary also mentions that A LOT of bees and other animals that use electromagnetic poles as orientation mechanisms are going extinct because of that. It's Quite schocking.

quoting from the video destription


In the mid eighties fewer than 3% of all people in most of the countries were using cell phones, but if you fast forward to today almost 100% of the people are using cell phones.
By the time they're 19 or 20 years old, our children will have used the phone for 10 years, and we have no idea what type of risk that's carrying. Now we live an an ocean of electromagnetic radiation.
It's all around us now, invisible, but we know it's there. Every time you lift up your mobile phone you know it's there. It is very hard to turn the clock back, in fact it is impossible, but we need to be aware of the adverse health effects so that we can have the choice of taking precautions against the exposures.
How we could have possibly thought that putting microwaves to our brain was safe. We just don't fully understand what we're doing.

What do you think about this?
Please comment and give your opinion and criticism.

Thanks to James Russell for creating this educational documentary and thanks to all those who participated in its creation directly or indirectly.


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