
Question For Serious Seekers

43 posts in this topic

OK another facet of God. 

There's words all over the place - forum too. They sound just about right, beautiful, high end concepts. 

BUT... energy behind them is VERY wrong. That is very strongly felt, because there's still a PERSON speaking/writing them. 

"All is one" seems so poetic, so elevating... but that ALL... is being perceived and conveyed as all that is "cute" and "good" and...ends up feeling even more separating than the paradigm it's emerging from. 




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4 minutes ago, Ayla said:

Is it clear now?



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58 minutes ago, Ayla said:


That THAT now not only JUST IS, but IT IS ALL of IT. 

Holy Lord Jeeezes, did you (or anything) get the Jackpot ? Bravo !

So what's this anguish about words and concepts and this forum ?


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@Pierre , no anguish here, but there's a feeling somehow that^this expression is not to be hidden in a blissful cave ´:D~



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10 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

Get off the "me" pot...


yes, next step



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4 minutes ago, Neo said:

Are you being told off Ayla? What's going on.

No, no, nothing like that..... 

Just prompted into listening :) 




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This one think you think to much lol, Tobias like to think he is real but he is really just a fictional manifestation of ideas, perhaps Tobias should just speak of himself in third person to separate this ones voice from his ego, but then again, this ones voice or words does come from the ego do they not, Tobias not be the Christ descending on to mount sinai, but this one understand you won't even know what he mean by that, still he say it because he enjoy it.

lol, sorry, anyone else play Elder Scrolls? Gotta love the Kahjiiti people, I think they speak like that because they do or used to understand how they are not their egos and talk in third person to separate themselves from their persona.

This one is not actually sure if you talk about not using words like "me" or "I" because you are one with everything or if you're discovering how broken our language is in general but yes, it's damn broke.
What can I say, Babylon have fallen ;) 

Edited by Keyblade Viking

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6 hours ago, Ayla said:

OK, this is maybe one of the craziest things tried to be expressed. Maybe understanding what is being blabbered here will somehow give rise to some ideas.

There is an arising of lack of proper expression of what is being experienced and impossibility of accurate "translation" of it. 

The "me" is vanishing also taking with it concepts that have been associated with that. 

There is also a "deep concern" to speak the truth (new truth), which is more and more difficult to undertake. Words can't seem to have old function and are being dropped, discarded as non valid. 

How can truth be still expressed - especially in the context of this forum - when everything sounds like a cacophony ? 

"Ayla" (LOL) seems to have trouble focusing into expression. 

Help ? 




To me there is a trade off between being vague, mysterious, new age sounding (the words does better describing the truth than the direct way) or being direct (worse at describing the truth). I prefer being more direct/short, which you may have noticed :).

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3 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

It is consciousness (thank god for the spell check) working through this body. 





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3 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

It is consciousness (thank god for the spell check) working through this body. 

You're welcome

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