
Complete Body Yoga Workout

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I've recently started the habit of doing daily yoga. Mainly I do this to increase my energy levels, and because my body is really inflexible  and I think it's a good way to release bad chemicals etc. 

I just picked a few moves and I do them daily. I like it to be as effective as possible, and I do it every day to ingrain the habit into myself.

However, I don't have a clue what move is good for what. In my view the ideal situation is to have a set of poses that so that my whole body and all muscles are covered. 

Is there some complete list (but as short as possible) somewhere online with this? Or am I approaching this all wrong?

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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Hey! I know starting yoga by yourself can be a challenge since you want everything "right". The right breathing technique and the yoga posture, its completely normal. I know since we're in the same boat. Now this might sound cliched but it is the key to effective yoga practice, listen to your body, always. I realised this for myself. Lets say if you're doing some movement and maybe your body tells you that you can make a certain modification here and there then go for it, even if it isn't an "established posture". Don't overdo it but experiment with it. It works. Its like your body starts telling you how to really carry forward with the movement and for how long. And btw there is no established "ideal situation", you create one depending on what feels right for you. Really. 

As far as full body workout goes, you can start with loosening exercises (really recommend upayoga by Sadhguru) followed by some basic poses (cat-cow, child's pose, downward dog etc.) Really experiment with different poses. If you feel like making a particular body stretch, go forward with it gently. Also i'd recommend including pranayama since it does wonders. 

I find these two channels of great help.

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agree with @Vaishnavi , Yogawithadrienne is absolutely amazing. She has videos just for about everyone as well as "Yoga for beginners" which is a nice introduction for newbies like myself. Her 30 day Yoga challenge is a nice way to get started. 

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@krazzer don't worry too much about that. instead, observe your bodily consciousness expanding and becoming more accurate as you practice.

you can study about the asanas and it will enhance your practice. but practicing is the most important part.

unborn Truth

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Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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@Michael569 I’m 14 days into her challenge. Doing it with my wife actually. Adrienne has a great way with bringing awareness to the whole body. Our yoga practice is here to stay. 

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I'm on a similar page, i never really followed any yoga teacher or anything.. i just do natural movements and stretches that feel right, i learned these when i was high and going through a challenging experience and suddenly i naturally started to do yoga/tai-chi like movements and felt amazing and energetically refreshed afterwards :D


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Ah yes.. Pluto has got the right idea. If your going to do something don’t do it just because it’s good for u. Do it because u enjoy it and it just so happens to be good for u. And when doing something like yoga and similar exercises don’t make a chore out of it. Those kinds of activities are a great way to enjoy the art of no mind. 


Edited by Faceless

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