
Sticking With One Guru

14 posts in this topic

Do you guys like to jump around from teacher to teacher or do you stick with one?

I've been thinking my progress is slowing because I'm taking advice from too many gurus, and some of them are in disagreement on the "method" and some of these teachers bash each other, at least some of the ones that are still alive and active.

Ultimately they are all pointing to the same goal, but I think the path sometimes is littered with so many traps it's hard to navigate when you listen to one guy/gal saying "this is the way" and some other saying "no this is the way."

Like so many teachers that advocate Non-Practice but literally practiced for 20 years, became enlightened or whatever, then say how much it was all bull.  I understand it though, Guatamma basically said the same thing in his "raft" analogy, but I think some masters get to a point where they wake up, it seems so obvious that they're practice was useless, but to the person practicing, it clearly is some sort of stepping stone.

I don't know guys, I think I'm fucking myself over here by reading too much into it.  I actually want to practice meditation, and haven't stopped, but I think going from guru to guru has definitely slowed my progress.


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I always go very deep into the teachings of one teacher untill I have pretty much everything there is to know, then I go to the next one, although occaisonally I will still watch a few videos that might interest me at that moment from other teachers and follow the ones that I resonated most with on their new videos.
Before you say that their teachings might contradict themselves, you have to know that even teachings of a particular teacher might contradict each other because we are talking about different dimensional perspectives here. The teaching that is perfectly fitting for the 4th dimension and grows you might be the complete opposite to a 6th dimensional teaching, even a paradox, yet the 4th dimensional one will grow you at one stage and when you are further into the work the 6th dimensional teaching will probably grow you even more.

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57 minutes ago, Arman said:

What if the guru you picked sucks?

Even a non-enlightened fake guru that sucks can be a good guide, because it's not about him, but about you surrendering. It doesn't matter to whom or what you surrender, it's only important to let go of your self fully, in an absolute way.

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1 hour ago, Arman said:

What if the guru you picked sucks?

Which ones do you think suck?


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I personally like to jump from teaching to teaching, so that I see the similarities between them. Sometimes I resonate more with, for example, Mooji and sometimes more with Adyashanti. I think it's helpful to hear different perspectives and views and see the similarities between them. It helps to broaden your own perspective and understanding. 

Edited by Vitamine Water

The art is to look without looking 

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You have to get a sense of what this is about and then just practice, do what works/feels good to you, then just keep going and the results will come and carry u forward, then listen to something sometimes if you feel inspired or you want to become motivated.

But this is really not so much about learning, listening to stuff again and again can be fine to recondition the mind but it's not a very effective path as apposed to raw practice though it can supplement it if you feel lazy or if you feel like watching something, but indeed it can also certainly almost harm you if you are starting, live very much in the mind and want a solid grip/path on things.

Because yeah, a 100 legit masters can say 200 different things on the same thing! And they are all true! And all false!!

It's because this path is not about logic or relative truth, gotta learn to accept the paradox and go your own unique path, all words are relative at the end of the day.

I know it's hard for us western geeks, but you have to learn to throw out the mind essentially, and use it well at the same time! :) 

"After enlightenment nothing is serious, everything becomes just play", so don't worry about it, this is about YOU! And your discovery of yourself! Beyond words right into bliss. 


OT: If it's about picking a guru IRL (which would be a great idea), then look around and try to stick with 1 or maybe 2 I think,  and learn to go deep with them, which is also more about friendship and love than actually learning.

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@MiracleMan spiritual liberation REQUIRES discipline and mental training. improved ability to focus is the true transformation here. the rest is just a big dance of beliefs.

get REAL. find a sangha where you live and practice with them religiously. by "religiously" i mean assiduously. practice with your heart for MONTHS.

stop fucking around.

unborn Truth

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Problem is: most people here never or seldom sat with "gurus" or true teachers and will not be able to tell anything about it. From my own experience: yes it is better to "stick" with one, because it is energetically way easier and it is easier to go deeper. But if that doesn't really happen, it happens in a different way. There is no right or wrong way I guess. Depends on the "individual".

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@Shiva I like as many sources as possible. I think it adds efficiency in ruling out the truth being learned, and speeds up the boiling down that it can only be experienced. There are 8 billion ways to get there though. What a ride!



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