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Strange Room To Practice Inquiry In.

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I would like some input on this.  I recently got a new job where I spend most of my time sitting alone in an empty room.  I'm sure I will not have to explain why I chose to do such a job.  It is a lot easier to spend 8 hours sitting calmly doing nothing when you know you can't run off and do whatever you want, when it is sort of your job.  So aside from when someone comes in the room, I spend my time going into present moment silent existence.  My only real obstacle with this particular situation as there are multiple mirrors in the room, as well as a camera on me, and the window I am staring out becomes reflexive at night.  So as I gaze out I find it hard to let my awarenss be fully open when I'm trying to avoid the mirrors etc.   At the same time, I usually try to not look in mirrors as it makes me feel more like a body than when I don't look in mirrors.  Has anyone been in similar situations and have any advice on how to proceed? thanks :)

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A good opportunity to notice the mirror for what is.

Some folks on here do mirror meditation deliberately.

Push yourself a bit.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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