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The Art Of The Lone Wolf

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This touches on a few topics, but in general focuses on men that have given up on the idea of pursuing relationships. As I've begun digging through things like cold approach and especially the video "5 things a woman wants" I have noted that a lot of men are just generally beaten down by this idea that women are shallow money grubbers.

I had encountered a mentality much like this a year ago called MGTOW or "Men Going Their Own Way". The problem here being that these guys seem to honestly believe that women are just vile. While that's cool for them, there is an issue with the children they create. I have no personal experience in the whole " hating women" because I had always been aware of several flaws. I just didn't know what they were.

Now I understand these flaws and bringing them all together in one video could potentially help several men with that struggle that they blame society for. Is the court systems rigged for women? Yes. Is maintaining a relationship hard? Yes. Are there laws aimed solely against men? Yes. But none of these things would be an issue if guys took their balls back!

One of the biggest problems I see with this mentality is women are users. I know there is one video that touches on why women use you for money, but adding it in here will provide a bit more of a logical approach. I haven't watched the video yet because I've never been used for money.

Another problem being guys just don't want to put forth the effort. They harbor all these negative experience and constantly feed into, they've become self destructive in nature. If an emotional bond forms, these types of men will cut it off before they feel that urge.

Another problem being that they are literally addicted to sex and are treating sex like alcohol at this point. You go to an alcoholics anonymous club and never touch it again. Denying that drive and ultimately having it fold in on itself. Very, very toxic.

Another problem being a total lack of confidence or a sense of high pseudo confidence. I often see statements like "I don't need no woman" you can see the opposite of this statement in a lot of women too. "I'm happy by myself" are you? Really? If you are so happy by yourself, why are you constantly in a rage? Why are you so hateful toward women and men who want an actual relationship with a woman?

Which brings me to a subset of smaller issues I see in this mentality. The men that adopt this are often overly critical of themselves, others and the world as a whole. They tend to try to use logic and reason, dismissing their very own feminine nature. They tend to have this cult like mentality and it spreads rather slowly. Like brainwashing. They've brainwashed themselves and each other into believing that women should be hated.

Granted, this is a lot of information to put into one video but might be able to be broken down into more easily understandable terms. I honestly think that the biggest problem in the world right now is the division of man and woman, pitting one against the other.

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