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Life Decision Of A 19 Year Old

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So i am midway through my second semester of college. First semester i got super depressed because the upheaval of moving from high school to college mad me realize what a fake, liar i had become to myself and to  many other people in my life. this led me to Leo and i am 1000x better. now my problem is what to do with my life. As i said i am in my second semester of college and i am loving it. the class's are interesting, i have great friends, i go out a decent amount, im relatively independent and i am surrounded by young attractive women my age. the only thing is i feel i could be doing more. im racking up debt while the Elon Musks of the world actually make a difference. i'm pretty sure he went to college but my point is im torn between doing everything i can in college and coming out with a degree in debt or making a bold life decision like Leo talks about and try to hash it out in the real world, traveling, trying to start a business and most of all helping people. thanks for any and all suggestions and please forgive my grammar.

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So you aren't  sure what is missing in your life? Does your life feel too common? Do you feel the need to do something special? 

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Youre 19 years old you are not supposed to have anything figured out.  Sounds like you are happy where you are, just try to enjoy the experience you are having now.  

Stay the course and do more self inqury.  Take a course in a foreign language, fall in love, try stand up comedy,  experience and experiment.


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I'm 19 and I dont't know what to do aswell. What I am going to do about it is becomming a Zen monk for about a year or two and pursue enlightenment... but I will finnish school in 16 months. Good luck! :)


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@Mattylonglegs Confusion is good, you are so lucky to be confused all the time. That means you are progressing. Confusion happens when a set of ideas break and a new set has not yet formed. But that’s a temporary state. When new ideas come, you move on to that and again confusion comes when that breaks. So you are moving ahead.

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@Henri i completely understand that, i mean i truly appreciate everyday the mere fact that im able to have these kind of questions and just experience this thing called life, i just feel like i could be more directly influencing and helping people, say on a mission in africa or starting my own business. im just not sure college is the right forum for me to be giving all the gifts to the world

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