
Benefits And Drawbacks Of Articulating A Life Purpose?

8 posts in this topic

Do we need an articulated mission statement of what our life purpose is?

I guess the benefits are that it focuses you and keeps you on track to take action and know what that action is about.

but is their a danger in limiting ourselves? boxing ourselves into one domain/area of mastery?

or should we remain adapatable to a changing statement over time through experience and natural developments?

I think i have a fear of solidfying it into one sentence that might turn out to not quite be the thing i want it to be in the future....

or choosing the wrong domains of mastery...

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Well I'm in exactly the same place currently. I think it is important to focus on a domain of mastery to block out the other options to distract you, otherwise you will never get on the path and hop from one skill to another. As for choosing a skill for mastery (I'm currently in-between Film and Programming.) It is wise to pick one thing and see where it takes you. Then again you always have the chance to do something else. It's not that when you choose your stuck with it foreveeeer. Which one to pick? Follow your intuition, you currently can't see where they will bring you.

In the end it is about transcending your habit of looking at other things and thinking that the grass is greener on that side. No in the end you will have to work. It is either this or that but in the end there will be periods where you are grinding it out. And you will be thinking, is this really the thing I am supposed to be doing. You will have to be able to see that yes this is it and that if I chose the other thing I would also have these periods of grinding. Be able to love the process.

I'm currently going for film, that's where my heart is. Although I will finish my collage in computer-science to play it smart. All my spare time goes to film.

Good luck on your journey ^_^

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@beastmode Yes, I'm currently focusing on animation. The topic of my video's are.... yhea you guessed it self-help. If you want an impression of what I make click here. I'm still at the very beginning, animation takes up a lot of time, time that I don't really have with a fulltime internship. But I manage to set two hours aside daily.

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@dude very cool what programs do you use for this?! 

I haven't found my LP yet (only just finishing the Concepts section of the course) but I've also thought about personal development!

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@beastmode Nice! Don't rush the rest of the course think about it deeply. I rushed it a bit and it takes away a whole lot of goodness.

I use Adobe products: Illustrator, After Effects and Premiere.

What medium do you have in mind?

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@dude gotcha gotcha yeah I loved your neat and deliberate style. 

Im not sure about medium but I'm thinking VR might be worth a try!

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@beastmode Yhea thought about that too, really a lot of possibility's for art creation on that medium.

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