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Insomnia !

6 posts in this topic

Hi guys,

Right OK. I've been getting insomnia weekly recently, sometimes every few days. Then I get a good run thinking I'm all good, then it starts again. Currently had it for the past 3 nights. Luckily at the moment I am not working, but I want to get to bed at a good time and rise early. I am starting volunteer work next week and it will mean I must be up at the crack of dawn to do my daily routine before hand.

What happens is, every time I start to dose off, as in every time I get into that hypnagogic state where you start to get random thoughts, I become aware of it and my mind pulls me out. Most of the time it's with anxiety, sometimes I'm jolted awake. Very uncomfortable, frustrating and just down right annoying. I get such a victim mindset on you wouldn't believe. Literally just want to cry in my mothers arms. I'm anxious about going to bed. When I get into bed I can just feel my heart beating hard and the slightest sound is really intense. As are any slight twitches or movements I make. 


  • I stop using electronics at least an hour before (iphone, laptop, TV)
  • Read before 
  • Meditate for 15-20mins before
  • Have tried 5 HTP
  • Don't drink an hour and a half before
  • No caffeine 
  • No alcohol
  • No medication
  • Regular exercise for as long as I can remember (jogging, walking, H.I.I.T.)

I tried surrendering to the emotions and it worked! But temporarily. Now they're just relentless when I try this. Can anyone relate to what I'm going through here? 



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Close your eyes when you are awake. Not like stiff but just relax. But absolutely don't open them! Not for one second. Not even when you roll over. Never. No matter how bad you want to. No matter how long it takes. Do not open. Your eyes. 

And then purposefully think about something happy. Like that vacation that you were on as a little kid. 

Then you have no negative thoughts in the moment. And your eyes are closed so eventually your body will make the connection that it's lights out. 

Also I read that if you feel itching don't scratch it. Because that's your body checking if you are still awake. Because I you were awake you would scratch. But if you don't scratch it thinks you are asleep it will put you to sleep. (Yeah sounds kind of weird.)

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Have you tried using no artificial light and not looking at screens after sunset?

I never suffered from insomnia, but when I tried this out, I found myself getting really tired waaay earlier than before and quite reliably so. 

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Not sure if this would help but it seems that your mind already connects your bedroom with stress and anxiety. Perhaps try to change the layout of your bedroom to make it look like a more pleasant place for sleep and more connected with nature. 

* change sheets and change pillows
* add some plants into your room, 
* readjust the furniture
* add some posters of nature or something that is calming to you. 
* perhaps add a small aquarium with goldfish 
* add a humidifier with an essential oil ( peppermin / eucalyptus / levander) to give the room more natural smell. 

whatever it is that would make the bedroom look more like a place of piece/sanctuary than a place of stress. It is possible that your mind has got used to certain setup and when it sees it, it gets stressed. 

An additional point, maybe an acupuncturist could help you relax although I don't have any personal experience so can't tell for sure. 

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The only thing that worked for me is this.

Ignore your going to bed time for the most part.
You can go to bed if you're tired, or to read. But never worry about whether or not you will be able to get enough sleep. It's not even relevant really.

Look at your schedule, what is the earliest time you have to wake up for work/school.
Perhaps it is 6 a.m.

Take that time, and set your clock to it monday to sunday, make a choice then and there to always wake up at the same time.

If you go to bed at 3 a.m. -> Wake up at 6 a.m
If you go to bed at 4 a.m. -> Wake up at 6 a.m
If you go to bed at 6 a.m. -> don't sleep at all
If you go to bed at 23 p.m. -> getting better, wake up at 6 a.m.

Make it a rule, set in stone, never deviate, never falter, never give up!
It may take a week or a month, but eventually you will fall asleep more easily at night.

Some days you will be tired. But with insomnia,  you will be tired anyway, the net result is the same.
But most likely, you will be tired after partying or staying up late on  Friday, so you will be tired on Saturday, when you can take it easy.
But on a Sunday, you will be able to fall asleep more easily, and be refreshed for work / school.
After some time, you will wake up easily and refreshed, even if you had little sleep.

This takes some discipline at first, and it's annoying when going out late in the weekend.
But it is the only thing that works for me, and i've found i have more energy overall, by doing this. And the few downside's are well worth the benefit.

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