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Share One Of The Most Blissful Moments In Your Life

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I'd love if you shared one of your most memorable, joyful, beautiful moments in your life, that you've experienced with such presence - it's stuck with you.

(It may even give us readers an idea of an experience to try!) :) 

Standing a top a small Island in Indonesia, near Komodo, there was nobody in sight other than my small boat my 2 Indonesian crew had sailed me in on. The island was deep green, lush from heavy rains. I looked down toward my little boat, gently rocking side to side in the crystal clear waters. The sea was calm and lapping softly against the shore. The sun's golden rays danced on the surface of the water playfully. I turned to face the other side of the island, and noticed that a huge part had been eaten away by the ever pounding ferocity of waves. For on this side of the island, it was nothing like what i'd seen a mere turn of the head a second before. Large waves crashed heavily against the island, and its shadow loomed over the bay. Dark clouds ominously approached, and the wind picked up, sending a cool chill to my bones through my thin shirt. Suddenly the heavens opened and heavy warm rain drops starting to pelt down over my face and soaked me completely. I started laughing hysterically and crying joyfully. How beautiful is this planet, this experience, this life. How lucky I am to be experiencing this with such presence. 

Highly recommend taking a boat around the islands of Indonesia. Komodo, Rinca etc. You can take it from Labuan Bajo. The diving is so beautiful it cannot be explained. It's like diving into a tropical fish tank times a million. I even saw one of those Deuce Bigalo Tiger Fish :D And Manta Rays!

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