
How Did U Discover The Spiritual Path And What Made You Believe That There Is Something More To Reality?

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for me personally it was leos videos. and it just seemed logical

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For me, it was all about lack of money and youtube. I wrote on youtube: How to be happy without money.

A video popped up. It was shit basically. But in one of the comments... "Guys, you should check out Eckhart Tolle"

The rest is history now! :D 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I was watching some videos of known atheists and agnostics on youtube, like Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson and someday Sam Harris got recommended. I watched a few of his videos where he was talking about religion and then I found a video of him introducing meditation to a crowd since he is a neuroscientist I thought that there must be something to meditation so I kept digging and then got a recommendation on youtube for Eckhart Tolle and soon after I digged into enlightenment and found Leos video which kind of got rid of my last doubts along with trying meditation myself with some immediate effect at the next day for the first time in my life I felt like I didn't have to engage in thoughts although I had to meditate for like 2 weeks to reach that state again.

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32 minutes ago, LaucherJunge said:

I was watching some videos of known atheists and agnostics on youtube, like Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson and someday Sam Harris got recommended. I watched a few of his videos where he was talking about religion and then I found a video of him introducing meditation to a crowd since he is a neuroscientist I thought that there must be something to meditation so I kept digging and then got a recommendation on youtube for Eckhart Tolle and soon after I digged into enlightenment and found Leos video which kind of got rid of my last doubts along with trying meditation myself with some immediate effect at the next day for the first time in my life I felt like I didn't have to engage in thoughts although I had to meditate for like 2 weeks to reach that state again.

Lol, forgot to mention I too was Atheist and watching Sam Harris xD I was/am big fan. We have almost identical storyline <3 Soul family? xD

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I think it was a combination of extreme darkness/suffering all my life paired with a choice of change in diet/lifestyle after falling in love with a girl and once i started to become more pure on the inside the communication to source eventually became clearer and clearer on the outside then lead me to meditation, connecting nature and spirituality, mooji, bashar and many other things followed ect..

Edited by pluto


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Winderful question.

So basically after being lost most of my life, I put all my hopes for happiness into a girl, and got my heart broken.

I got really depressed and after about 2-3 months, my kundalini awoke. I had no idea about the significance of it, but I just knew its my repressed material being cleared, whilst as well i got a loot into PD. I loved it, especially emotional releases, therapy, affirmations... And at the same time, I learned about enlightenment from Leo.

He wen’tbin saying like “oooh ur not a person” and I was like “yeah that makes actually a lot of sense”, but I felt like pursuing enlightenment would such a nonsense. (Like self-enquiry)

So I just meditated for PD reasons, learned about emotions, psychology, relationships, pickup...

And then I finally got properly in touch with my repressed shadow, and fucking hell I thought I was possesed. After all the workd Ive done, all the affirmations I uttered, there was a voice in my head that was calling me “worthless” and no amount of fighting with it would make it change.

And that is when it got serious. :)

Later on I realized the significance of kundalini and it stopped being unbearable. Now its literally only me allowing life having its process with me.

Did you ask about how did we get to enlightenment, and I gave you the whwole storyyy??!! Youre welcomeee!! O:)

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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I was watching a live streamer who was playing World of Warcraft. He described during his stream how he had found out about meditation and reading personal development books and how much it had helped him out.

I was curious as if this could help me too with anxiety so I starting looking into personal development and meditation. after a certain while I was bought on the idea of improving myself and getting the best out of life. Then I found out about Leo’s videos and spiritual literature and never stopped being interested ever since ;) 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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The very first one was Leo, but Mojii made me really begin my journey. Very bad childhood and a longing to find meaning in life made me smoke weed and self-inquire for 2 years. My experiences/journey turned me from agnostic to religion/Dvaita, ''I'' had no choice on that matter.

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@Highest Beautiful. Which Advaita teachers are you following now?

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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3 hours ago, Max_V said:

@Highest Beautiful. Which Advaita teachers are you following now?

None, but I used to follow Mojji and Sadhguru. I don't believe so much in Advaita teachings, God being inseparable from you etc. I'm more in line with Dvaita teachings.

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@Highest Well you aren't supposed to believe in them ;) you are supposed to embody and experience them for yourself.

Although I'm saying this, I am still falling into the intellectualizing trap every day haha

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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28 minutes ago, Max_V said:

@Highest Well you aren't supposed to believe in them ;) you are supposed to embody and experience them for yourself.

Although I'm saying this, I am still falling into the intellectualizing trap every day haha

That's true, and believe me I did and I have experienced a lot, gone all the way to the fifth dimension (what we call it in the astral plane language), and slowly back again. That's why I don't believe or follow anyone any longer.  What's left of ''me'' is only faith in God, which I bend my knee and pray to everyday, because I'm still afraid what might happen after my death.


No ego speaking, please.

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For me it was my first LSD trip. Before that I had built an ego around being a rational, scientifically minded person and believed the science was the ultimate arbiter of truth and all that sort of thing. LSD forced me to see through all of that in an instant. 

I had always had a sincere need to understand the world, and so after seeing that there was something to them, I decided to continue exploring psychedelics even though my first trip was a pretty bad one. 

About a year later Leo begins talking about enlightenment, this was the first time I had come across any good information on the topic so it really helped me to understand what was going on with the psychedelic experience and help me to move further along the path. 

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7 november 2011 - at 5:40AM I was walking outside and saw a light floating in the air. I didn't know what was this light or from what things this light reflects from. I was looking at it while I was walking by and was contemplating what it is. As I was walking by that light, I was starting to notice that that light was like a head of a ghost, I started to notice that that head was moving as I was walking by. Like somebody staying still and moving their head as I was walking by. I saw a face and two fists. Then I had a though. "What if it's a ghost?". And that instant, the being moved for 20 cm down. Then I had this fear reaction and didn't know what to do. I grabbed a stone and threw it at the ghost. When the stone was in the air I thought that with this it Will disappear, the being disappeared down into the ground. I was terrified. The being knew what I was thinking (discovered that after a few years and it made a lot of sense).


After that I have researched a bit on the internet about ghosts and came to some strange conclusions. I have told myself that I am not ready yet to accept that reality and that it Will come a time, when I Will understand. Then I leaved all this behind me.

After 18 months I went to a birthday party. There I met a girl that recently added me on Facebook. We didn't know each other personally until then, but the same day she invited me to a private forum about spirituality, meditation, cosnciousness. After a while she told me that she was seeing me in her dreams and so she had to add me on fb and invite me to the forum.

After I was invited to the forum, I have spend a few months reading a lot of posts on that forum. Finally the time that I told myself would come, came and I was excited. I have found other sources, watched videos and read articles obsessively, started a meditation practice... After a few months I was enlightened.

Now I hope I see this being again. I Will get excited. :D

Edited by AleksM

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10 years of depression which lead me to see a therapist. That made me see that the depression was from my own thoughts, that was constantly feeding me negative stories about myself.

Seeing that those thought really had no truth to them lead me to contemplating about what truth really was and so the truth seeking began and another 10 years after that I began looking into self development on youtube and there was Leo..

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Somewhere along the line of my childhood I just assumed all adults just figured it out about this thing called Life. Not til I was about 20, I was sitting in my room stoned out of my mind and realized we were just floating in space on a rock through infinite space and no one really knew jack shit. Everywhere I looked around no one seemed to really notice this reality that we are a small speck in this Universe. It shook me with terror and awe which left me in tears. Since then I've been going deeper and deeper down the hole and paradoxically finding more meaning in the ordinary; it's the new extraordinary. I've grown so much yet still I'm a child. :)


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As a kid, I was just seeing reality as is. Reason being is because no one really cared or made a very deep relationship to me, not even my parents. So if it's dinner, while everyone is talking, I would look look at everyone and just listen. So at that point everyone is ignoring me all the time. After all of that observation as a kid, I have a strong feeling that's there's something missing, or shit something is really wrong. Then last year I was just roaming in youtube and then I found Leo's videos, there I guess the journey begins.

The missing thing; it was the Truth, the Constant is what I'm looking for. 

When I watched Leo's video's, that strong feeling got even stronger.



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@Atic Ahh that feeling that something is missing. That you have not been provided that something that everyone seems to have. As a kid this was so weird for me.

I feel ya dude, I really do.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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