On Having No Head

By Pierre in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Ok folks, I'm going to share with you something very explosive. What if you could see, right now, WHO you really are? Wouldn't it be nice? In fact there's nothing easier. Very few people will acknowledge the value of that, because we want to remain humble seekers. Douglas Harding is one of the most strikingly original spiritual teachers of all times. He really made a discovery. Which is quite rare in the field of spirituality. To say the least. Here it goes: Right now, just were you are, can you see your head? There's a screen, a table, walls, a cat, lots of stuff, arms and hands, even shoulders, but there's no bloody head anywhere.  Do this : with your finger, point to where you think there's a head. What does your finger point to? If you see a head, you're suffering from hallucinations. You might as well see the ass of a camel, and you should run to a psychiatrist. So what is there? EMPTY SPACE. Filled with all there is to see. And you ARE that space. It seems too simple and too obvious to be true . But it's an enlightenment experience. Of course, as always, it will take years of practice to really sort it out.  Now, this will raise a HUGE battery of questions and objections, such as : - It relies only to sight. What about the other senses? - I can still see my nose, there in the middle. - What if I close my eyes? - I can see my head in the mirror, you moron. - It doesn't change the way I feel, or quiet down my thoughts, so what's the point? - If it's so wonderful, why isn't everybody talking about it on the marketplace? - etc, etc.   This is not the place to answer all that. If you're interested, read Harding's major books: - "On Having No Head" - "Look for Yourself, The Science and Art of Self-Realization"
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