Aldo Marchand

Living By Grace Vs Fear

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I believe that there are two options in life:

1) Living motivated by the fear 

2) Living by Grace or positive thinking

The fear stage seens alot limited and a painful path to clear, while you have alot more of internal strenght while you are thrusting that everything in life is possible and flowing from the universe toward yourself. 

What are your points about this assertive here Folks ?

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This is an incredibly powerful message.  It is an option.  It does take work, meditation, painful self inquiry, but ultimately, it is an option.

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@Aldo Marchand this is a REAL trap!!!

You assume there is a YOU living life. That is incorrect! 

You are NOT LIVING life!!!! You ARE LIFE being lived by a "concoction of elements" that your person-hood is imagining currently of being "you" 

That right there is the big issue.... There is [insert concept*] living you, breathing you, walking you, speaking you... that imagined you :D  

* concept has been named: God, emptiness, nothingness, Higher Self, etc


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@Ayla wow I thought we were getting directions on how to cross the road.  But you took it to the moon!☺

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I always lol when people bring up positive thinking: "Yeah, just think positively bro, everything is gonna work out great"

Positive thinking can only exist if there is also negative thinking. There is thinking, and then there's positive/negative thinking. You can't have your cake and eat it too, I guess is the expression.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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2 hours ago, Ayla said:

@Aldo Marchand this is a REAL trap!!!

You assume there is a YOU living life. That is incorrect! 

You are NOT LIVING life!!!! You ARE LIFE being lived by a "concoction of elements" that your person-hood is imagining currently of being "you" 

That right there is the big issue.... There is [insert concept*] living you, breathing you, walking you, speaking you... that imagined you :D  

* concept has been named: God, emptiness, nothingness, Higher Self, etc

@Ayla  I still believe that we have some level of freewill when you are living a creative and spiritual life, but at the same time we are limited and influenced by all the forces of the universe. Finding the point that works better through your enlightenment path.

Try to create composing music, writing a book or painting to see how alive you can be.

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@Aldo Marchand , you are still searching for concepts here to get "you" somewhere. 

we are not limited or influenced by universe. We ARE the universe. I have no enlightenment path... I do not exist ;) 

There is no I here to do all those things...or not do, or whateva.... 



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12 hours ago, Ayla said:

@Aldo Marchand , you are still searching for concepts here to get "you" somewhere. 

we are not limited or influenced by universe. We ARE the universe. I have no enlightenment path... I do not exist ;) 

There is no I here to do all those things...or not do, or whateva.... 


@Ayla  what about  using your enlightenment to find the mind of Christ within your mind, body or soul ?

I was reading that on Joel Goldsmith's infinite way.

When you are in contact with the creator's mind it's possible to heal your body or even be a true Lider. 

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5 hours ago, Aldo Marchand said:

@Ayla  what about  using your enlightenment to find the mind of Christ within your mind, body or soul ?

Where "I am" now, is like the aftermath of a very powerful earthquake: nothing in my reality has been left standing, but there are still things that "I remember" being there once... It is easier and easier to let go... :)

I did "use" my intention and focus (in lack of better terms) to merge with my Guru's consciousness. A heavenly experience indeed. :) 


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Just now, Jay Brown said:

its all you

There is not really "all"(multiple things/people).... "there is only one" feels better as expression. 


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