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I Tried Psychedelics For The First Time (mushrooms)

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I've never done anything like this before and I've never written a trip report, but I had the most beautiful experience and I'd like to share it here...


I took 2g of thai cubensis mushrooms dry and in the late afternoon on an empty stomach. Before I ate them, I set my intentions and asked for a good experience. The taste I didn't mind at all; it reminded me of sunflower seeds. I sat on some pillows with my blanket spread out on the floor, incense burning, and began to meditate. I wasn't keeping track of the time for the entirety of this trip, but if I had to guess, I would say about 20 minutes went by before I started to feel...something. I just noticed that things were beginning to take effect and kept meditating. But soon this was almost impossible because I began to giggle. little by little I began to laugh more and more until the idea of being human and being alive became absurd and hilarious to me. I remember seeing faint rainbows on the inside of my eyelids. I then saw what I can only guess was my spirit guide. It was a man in some kind of native spiritual clothing, like what a shaman would wear. I never saw his face, and most of the time I was too giggly to even look up at him, I just remember seeing a white beard and a bright light blocking out his face. It reminded me of my late grandfather. He began to pull back the curtain of reality (that's the best I can describe it) and I began to laugh more, but then he stopped and waited for me to collect myself a bit. Once I was ready the trip hit me and I went...somewhere.


I don't remember exactly what happened next, but I remember coming back and being completely unafraid of the whole experience, so I did what anyone would do in that situation and took off the rest of my clothes. I sat there wondering if I was going to be able to keep any food down and eventually got up and had a banana. Best banana I have ever had. I remember enjoying the sensation of having a mouthful of banana, and even just drinking water was something special. I had a weird hot and cold sensation for a while, and I remember coming back to my room and taking the blanket I had on the floor and folding it over myself while I lay there with my knees to my chest, laughing at the absurdity of being human and talking to myself the whole time. 


I remember coming up with this analogy: the monkeys and the centipede. It was something along the line of all of us are just monkeys that are concerned with our monkey business and it seems like the most important thing in the world to our monkey selves. We sit on a tree in a massive jungle doing whatever; jobs, family, eating bananas nude... but we ignore a giant centipede marching through the jungle. He is life; long and flowing, without care or an agenda. He goes over bumps, but they just ripple down his body, and riding him is pure bliss. Mr. Centipede is so long that you cant see either end, and he's a big silly guy as well. The problem is that the monkeys either don't see him when they are wrapped up in their monkey business, or they try to go under him. The problem with that is that while Mr. Centipede is very silly and blissful, he is to be respected because he WILL trample you and he WILL hurt you because he doesn't stop for any single monkey. Some monkeys try and go under him again and again, swinging into a forest of marching legs on a vine over and over, and on the back swing is when those monkeys start to think that this is all there is to this whole, "life" thing.


So I'm sitting there in pure bliss, finally understanding the meaning of what "bliss" actually means and having all sorts of insights on love, relationships, spirituality, and what it means to live. Lying there enjoying the colors I was seeing and feeling the energy of the room when purpose began to hit me. I began to realize things about myself: my groundings, my direction, my values, and my masculine/feminine balance of energy. I was in my true state, I felt, and said to myself that this is how I naturally am without the burden of my egoic clingings. I realized that this state was obtainable without psychedelics, and I realized that I didn't need my addictions; they don't help anyway. I'm a massage therapist, so I work with helping people heal, and I think I want to take it to a level of helping people obtain this bliss through healing and setting the foundation to do so. 

Finally once I started to come down I set my blanket and pillow back on my bed and began to think about the whole experience. The end of the trip was actually a bit frustrating though. One minute I was sleepy and ready for bed, the next I was up taking a shower. Tired, energetic, tired, energetic, until I was finally able to sleep.


I took a few things away from this. First was the monkey/centipede thing. The monkey is the ego, and the centipede is life. The meaning behind it is that in order to build a solid foundation, you have to ride the centipede, and later you realize that there's more than just Mr.Centipede out there; its a whole jungle, and a planet that it's on, and a universe that the planet is in, and so on. The other was sort of finding myself and what it was I wanted. It really opened me up spiritually and helped me just let go and enjoy the flowing bliss of life and all its beauty.  

I'm definitely going to do mushrooms again, I want to do other psychedelics as well, and I feel more motivated to reach the highest state of consciousness I can than I ever have. It was beautiful...all of it.

Edited by Zega

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Good work. Only the beginning.

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