Video Request Guidelines

Leo Gura
By Leo Gura,
I'm always on the lookout for popular, juicy new video topics. If you think you have a good idea for a new video, great! I'd love to hear it. Tips for submitting suggestions: Clearly define the topic. Describe what exactly you want to know. Be very specific. Come up with a catchy title. Catchy titles sell! If your suggestion catches my eye, I'll add it to my to-do list. Please note, my to-do list has over 100 topics on it already (that's over 2 years worth of shooting), and my time is very limited, so your suggestion may take a while to happen, or it might not happen at all. Very good suggestions might happen much sooner. It all depends on how relevant and important I think the topic is to the audience. Also keep in mind that my expertise is limited. I can't speak intelligently about all topics. This sub-forum is ONLY for posting suggestion for Leo. This is not a place to discuss these topics in-depth. Only enough discussion should happen here to communicate your topic idea clearly. Users can also cast their vote for suggested topics by bumping threads with a short response like: "Yes! I want to see a video about this!"