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Ken Lecoq

10 Days Retreat Alone + Fasting

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Hey everybody :)

Every time I meditate, or do self inquiry, it works pretty well... but I just can't let go of everything, of every single belief, of every single conception and idea... I've got too many attachements, desires, habits and everything.

I feel like in order to transcend myself, and to really see the truth in front of me, I have to do a silent retreat during 10 days or so.

I heared about vipassana meditations, and I looked for meditation centers. I found one in the UK, it looked very interesting, but they only had disponibilities for this summer. 

As I was thonking about it, I told myself : What do I really want to do, and do I really need to go in a center for that ?

In the end, I want to meditate during 10 days or so, but I feel like it will be better if I do that alone. I already read a couple of book about spiritual enlightenment (the most recomended from leo's list), and I feel that I'm advanced enough to do that alone. 

Well, the idea would be to go in a forest or somewhere where I wouldn't bother anybody, to plant a tent, to bring water for the 10 days (I would like to waterfast while doing it, in order for me to transcend the necessity of food during those days), and to meditate alone there. I would also bring papers and pens, in order for me to keep a journal, and to express the way i really feel, 100% honestly, on the paper (writing does help me a lot with introspection). 

I remember the stroy of siddhartha, and he did a similar practice with a group of people, staying in the forest, fasting and meditating. I feel that this will help me a lot to forget everything i belive about me and the world, and maybe to discover the truth that is always in front of us.

Well... What do you guys think about this idea ? Did someone tried that kind of "alone retreat" ? Any advice you would have ? Is fasting a really good idea during a meditation retreat ?

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It's a great idea! I will be doing one myself soon.

Although I would avoid camping because it will distract you from your true aim: self-observation. You're gonna be too busy worrying about food, water, toilet, cold, heat, comfort, etc. You want to eliminate all those distractions. Either do the 10 day retreat at home. Or in a motel room on the edge of town, or in a rented cabin in the woods somewhere.

Make sure every logistical issue is planned and taken care of ahead of time, so you can focus 100% on your true work. Stock up on food, water, supplies, etc for 10 days worth. Disconnect all distractions like cell phones, TV, and internet.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thanks a lot @Leo Gura . I have a friend who have a cabin in the woods... I will ask him :)

After I do it, I'm gonna post the result on the forum ^^

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I'm trying to augment the amount of times that i start my daily meditations.

With alot of free time the problem is that you can easily distracts yourself alot of meditation.

But indeed ! Is a great idea !!@Ken Lecoq @Leo Gura

2 hours ago, Ken Lecoq said:

Hey everybody :)

Every time I meditate, or do self inquiry, it works pretty well... but I just can't let go of everything, of every single belief, of every single conception and idea... I've got too many attachements, desires, habits and everything.

I feel like in order to transcend myself, and to really see the truth in front of me, I have to do a silent retreat during 10 days or so.

I heared about vipassana meditations, and I looked for meditation centers. I found one in the UK, it looked very interesting, but they only had disponibilities for this summer. 

As I was thonking about it, I told myself : What do I really want to do, and do I really need to go in a center for that ?

In the end, I want to meditate during 10 days or so, but I feel like it will be better if I do that alone. I already read a couple of book about spiritual enlightenment (the most recomended from leo's list), and I feel that I'm advanced enough to do that alone. 

Well, the idea would be to go in a forest or somewhere where I wouldn't bother anybody, to plant a tent, to bring water for the 10 days (I would like to waterfast while doing it, in order for me to transcend the necessity of food during those days), and to meditate alone there. I would also bring papers and pens, in order for me to keep a journal, and to express the way i really feel, 100% honestly, on the paper (writing does help me a lot with introspection). 

I remember the stroy of siddhartha, and he did a similar practice with a group of people, staying in the forest, fasting and meditating. I feel that this will help me a lot to forget everything i belive about me and the world, and maybe to discover the truth that is always in front of us.

Well... What do you guys think about this idea ? Did someone tried that kind of "alone retreat" ? Any advice you would have ? Is fasting a really good idea during a meditation retreat ?


27 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's a great idea! I will be doing one myself soon.

Although I would avoid camping because it will distract you from your true aim: self-observation. You're gonna be too busy worrying about food, water, toilet, cold, heat, comfort, etc. You want to eliminate all those distractions. Either do the 10 day retreat at home. Or in a motel room on the edge of town, or in a rented cabin in the woods somewhere.

Make sure every logistical issue is planned and taken care of ahead of time, so you can focus 100% on your true work. Stock up on food, water, supplies, etc for 10 days worth. Disconnect all distractions like cell phones, TV, and internet.


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It's a great idea! I will be doing one myself soon.

Although I would avoid camping because it will distract you from your true aim: self-observation. You're gonna be too busy worrying about food, water, toilet, cold, heat, comfort, etc. You want to eliminate all those distractions. Either do the 10 day retreat at home. Or in a motel room on the edge of town, or in a rented cabin in the woods somewhere.

Make sure every logistical issue is planned and taken care of ahead of time, so you can focus 100% on your true work. Stock up on food, water, supplies, etc for 10 days worth. Disconnect all distractions like cell phones, TV, and internet.


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@Ken Lecoq remember when you were in kindergarden and the teacher was showing you how to writw the letter "a."  Remember the difficulty and the practice it took to write that, then she showed you there was a capital letter.  What!  Then there are 25 more letters, all with capitals!  

Imagine trying to do that without a teacher to guide you, to correct you.  Possible?  Yes, but having a teacher by your side makes it that much easier.

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I've taken this approach a number of times. I'm quite experienced at backpacking, so the logistics of food, water, etc. aren't a distraction for me. Actually the ritual of cooking, eating, cleaning is very meditative. Chop wood, carry water. The best place for me has been the desert, but a forest is good too. It's nice to be next to water and have a filter so you can easily get water. I often head off trail so there's no chance of seeing anyone. Then I set up camp and draw a circle around the perimeter. I try not leave that perimeter for at least 24 hours. At some point you may have to branch out before you go insane, but I don't feel that disrupts he experience. The point is that you're not seeing or hearing anyone and you're not plugged into media. After about one day your mind will start to calm down. By the third day you can get pretty deep. I'm not militant about technique. Just by being alone out there you are doing so much better than being anywhere near town. Don't try too hard and don't have a big goal. It will be rewarding regardless.

By the way, fasting stresses me out and doesn't help me at all. Might be different for you though....

Edited by Eastbranch

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If you're gonna do something like this, start soft-core, because if you go full out Bear Grylls without prior experience, your mind and body will likely just not be able to handle it and you'll run back home with your tail between your legs and a sour taste in your mouth.

The realities of survival in the wilderness are harsh and stressful enough without a full day's meditation on top of it.

Start with babysteps and build your way up.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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This is very true. That first night when the sun is going down and the sounds start getting weird can send your mind into a panic. Pretty much the opposite of meditation. Runaway fear.



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Thanks a lot for your answers.

@ayokolomo You are right... But I think that the teachings of the 10/15 most recomended books about enlightenment from leo's list is completly sufficient. I'm reading them, and I have a lot of insights. I feel that being in interaction with other students between each meditation is going to distract me from the truth. You might be right, I think I just have to try both a silent retreat alone and one with a group in order to really now what is the most effective for me. 

You experience is very interesting @Eastbranch . I can deal with fear, and I do love fear actually, because I di overcame a couple of intense fears already, and that did helped me a lot. When I feel fear, I'm able to look through it, and to overcome it. feat can be a great object of meditation, a very interesting one. 

We don't have any desert in France, I would have to go to morroco xD but it seems great to do that in the desert, it must be very still :) 

The first time, I'm going to do this retreat alone in a rented cabin, in the countryside. Well, the truth is that I hadn't cleard up my mind yet, I might do one with a group first. I will wait a little bit, and I'm gonna see what kind of opportunities are offered to me. 


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@Ken Lecoq That sounds great, follow the opportunities. Like Leo said, start with baby steps. I really think that meditation is great, but for me, I really need to completely unplug for days at a time to go really deep. No media, little or no human contact. And you're right, fear is an excellent teacher and brings growth like nothing else. You're on the right track. Good luck!


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You can definitely do this and it is surely a very interesting experience but you don't need to do anything like this. 

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