Bichu Krishnan

If There Are Only Experiences And No Self, Who Is Changing The Experiences?

15 posts in this topic

I am sorry, I understand that intellectualy understanding the enlightenment is a bad way. But some convincing is required for the mind to stay motivated.

This is basic question that comes to my mind when doing mindfulness. 

I was sitting in the balcony enjoying the rain. I was aware of all the  sensations. I know these visuals, feeling of cold and rain dropping sounds are all experiences.But then I decided to close my eyes, suddenly the other senses went in to focus. I could hear more texture and rhythm in raindrop sounds. Sound just transformed from 128kps mp3 to flac clarity. I understand that, mental concentration is changing the clarity of the experiences, then who is changing my mental concentration. Why experiences are directly depend on  focus and concentration. 

Please share your valuable thoughts.

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If this attention moves around and create new experiences, So am  I not the attention then. I don't have any direct experience of anything other than what this attention is showing. And this attention follows the commands of thoughts.

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28 minutes ago, Bichu Krishnan said:

If this attention moves around and create new experiences, So am  I not the attention then. I don't have any direct experience of anything other than what this attention is showing. And this attention follows the commands of thoughts.

@Bichu Krishnan I've heard Mooji speaking of attention. He said that attention is our most intimate tool, and hence, we feel that wherever the attention goes there we go too. 

I would say our attention follows God's will. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Bichu Krishnan What is a who??? Ain't no such thing.

Stop assuming whos exist. Remove the words "who" and "I" from your vocabulary.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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People who say there is not a self is because they didn't even get a gimpse of it. trust me when you do you will be drowning into divine love and bliss

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@Blissout We are saying the exact same thing. Careful not to get lost in langauge.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It is YOU who are experiencing all these sensations. But the thing is that you are just confused about who you are. If not intellectually, then at least emotionally and/or intuitively. Probably both in your case. In my eyes you become enlightened when you you are emotionally aligned with Truth, i.e. you are no longer confused about who you really are emotionally. It is easy to intellectually grasp that you are not a person, a body nor an indvidual seperated self.

Anyway, intellectually speaking, it is *you* who are experiencing all these sensations. But *you* is not who you *think*. It's not a thing or a concept. It's God/Nothingness/The Absolute etc etc etc.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@Bichu Krishnan why would the One create an illusion of you, which doesn’t know it is actually the One? Why?  Hear your answer from within. Then throw it out and wait for a deeper one. Keep repeating. 



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Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@Bichu Krishnan why would the One create an illusion of you, which doesn’t know it is actually the One? Why?  Hear your answer from within. Then throw it out and wait for a deeper one. Keep repeating. 

Does that mean The One is self aware of itself and sense of myself and awareness is just an illusion of thoughts.

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On 20/10/2017 at 10:15 AM, Bichu Krishnan said:

I am sorry, I understand that intellectualy understanding the enlightenment is a bad way. But some convincing is required for the mind to stay motivated.

This is basic question that comes to my mind when doing mindfulness. 

I was sitting in the balcony enjoying the rain. I was aware of all the  sensations. I know these visuals, feeling of cold and rain dropping sounds are all experiences.But then I decided to close my eyes, suddenly the other senses went in to focus. I could hear more texture and rhythm in raindrop sounds. Sound just transformed from 128kps mp3 to flac clarity. I understand that, mental concentration is changing the clarity of the experiences, then who is changing my mental concentration. Why experiences are directly depend on  focus and concentration. 

Please share your valuable thoughts.

God is! That means, the subject of all your experience is.

Ofcourse there is a you, it's just empty and therefore not in space and time.

So from space-time perspective, from science perspective God will be nothing. No subject,  you will be objectified as being the body.

From your perspective, God is everything, your being, and it exists. Without the subject of your experience,  nothing could be known. So it is the most essential. 


Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Who says there is no self? 

Stop trying to intellectualize it. It doesn't fucking help. Enlightenment is a process of removal not adding BS to the garbage dump you call your mind. Trust me, it is a landfill of which 95-99% is garbage that needs to be burned away.

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