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List Of Modern-day Self-actualizers

4 posts in this topic


I would think it useful if we could compile a list of people, modern-day (still alive or very recently living) who we believe are self-actualized.

When talking historically, Maslow classified people such as Nelson Mandela. Now, maybe we can be a bit more generous with our categorization.

Please include reason why you consider the person self-actualized! I will attempt to kick-off the list:

Ido Portal – Someone who has mastered their body and mind. His life-purpose seems to be to spread his wisdom to as many people as possible and he seems to have great EQ (and IQ for that matter). All lower levels of the pyramid are more than catered for (i.e., financial, relationships etc. (he has a wide circle of close friends and family)).

Jim Carrey – Someone who has again mastered their art, and has used this in a positive way to inspire the masses (those that are open). Spiritually advanced to a high level also.

Edited by SuperLuigi

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On 20/10/2017 at 10:43 AM, Maxx said:

Many many people self actualize, most of them just don't do it formally and don't call it self actualization. I would say that many people who are entrepreneurs are self actualizing and trying to be their "best self". Especially where a lot of competition is there is a tendency towards self actualization. Also many people in the pick up community do it. 

Yea, that isn't what the thread was for. 'Many people' is too vague. Let's be specific and give some names. Ideally of people that are re-searchable, i.e. have some level of notoriety. 

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@Maxx Nice, now this is what I was looking for and 100% agree about Wim Hof mate! :) Thanks. 


Certainly not only people who do it explicitly as, in my opinion, that would contradict self-actualization! I.e., it would be selfish / non-contributory. 

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