
"dancing" With Shoulders During Meditation

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I used to be skeptical about all those energies and yoga stuff. But recently I started having a desire to add something physical to my meditation practice. It just started to feel like I need to do something with energy. Not just observing mind, but to actually start moving energy. 

So 4 days ago I started doing some yoga before meditation. Particularly this one -

So today I was doing 1hr of Do Nothing meditation after doing these yoga exercises. And during meditation I became sleepy. Sometimes I was kind of falling asleep and then waking up (constantly sitting with erect spine).

And then muscles in my back started slightly moving, kind of wave motion left-right-left-right. I was in that half asleep state. I decided to connect to this feeling, and then my shoulders started to "dance" - like if you're swimming on your back. It felt very pleasant, like it's very healthy for my spine. Then I had an urge to make even bigger moves with my back muscles like half-spinning. And I did - it felt very pleasant too. Then I did big movements with my shoulders like swimming forward.

It all felt like being done automatically. I even had thought "OMG wow finally I'm having some cool meditation experience", and it did not stop during these thoughts.

I want to engage in physical yoga more and learn about all these energies, Kundalini, Reiki. It feels right to me now.

So, anybody had anything like this? Does it mean anything?

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My neck and spine often start to spin or swing from side to side during meditation, but I have no idea wtf is this so I stop these moves deliberately.

Also curious whether it means something or not. 

Apply consciousness to the burned area

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