
Contemplation: The Natural Drive To Discover Truth

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I have noticed that I am much more fulfilled when I do something with an intention higher than that of materialistic benefits. I believe these positive experiences  to be pulling me in the right direction but it is still a bit vague to me, like I have only scratched the surface. It can be easy to loose sight of this with all of the distractions, I am looking for insight on this "higher" intention. In other words, what is it? And what is its relationship to me? 

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6 minutes ago, lucas_darby said:

In other words, what is it? And what is its relationship to me?

it can't be spoken. it can't even be thought or grasped. but its relationship to you is the most intimate thing ever.

you have to do the job by yourself. sit down and dive in your ignorance about yourself. let it take care of you. surrender completely.

let go of all mental concepts about Reality or about you. no belief is true.

let the unknown sink in your being and perceive the silence intrinsic to every moment. it's there. it's always available. you just need to practice the silent mind. your breath is your highest ally.

unborn Truth

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9 hours ago, lucas_darby said:

I have noticed that I am much more fulfilled when I do something with an intention higher than that of materialistic benefits. I believe these positive experiences  to be pulling me in the right direction but it is still a bit vague to me, like I have only scratched the surface. It can be easy to loose sight of this with all of the distractions, I am looking for insight on this "higher" intention. In other words, what is it? And what is its relationship to me? 

Well spotted and expressed @lucas_darby .

Could it be that you are intending to love... to be loving to yourself, everyone, everything... Love could be called "vague", or "easy to lose sight of" as it does not 'keep', or 'hang around' unless you are living it, giving it, extending it, or keeping it alive, living, palpable - in other words, making it manifest.


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