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Possible Enlightenment Experience

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A few weeks ago I had this dream where I was sitting on a beach at night looking over the water towards Edinburgh which is a city near where I live. Across the water, floating above the city, there were these enormous cube and cuboid shaped objects, a few miles to a side, with orange lights on them partially obscured by cloud. I'm not sure whether they were buildings or space ships.

As I was sitting there, I became aware that I was dreaming, but not only that, I became aware of awareness itself and I just sat there for a while in what can only be described really as a very high state of consciousness much greater than anything I've experienced in a waking state.

Would this count as an enlightenment experience?

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Maybe yes, maybe no. It's irrelevant. Nobody's gonna give you points or say you did a good job if it WAS an enlightenment experience, and nobody's gonna say you are a failure if it wasn't. This sort of retrospective wondering over what an experience was is useless. Only relevant thing is what your experience is NOW. So keep practicing, until one sweet day you're aware of awareness 24/7 and it's not going to leave you.

Love ya,

Edited by Markus

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