
Maharishi Effect - Group Meditations Lower City Crime Rate By 16% On Average

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Maharishi Effect

“I think the claim can be plausibly made that the potential impact of this research exceeds that of any other ongoing social or psychological research program. It has survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field of conflict resolution. This work and the theory that informs it deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy makers alike.”

—David Edwards, Ph.D., Professor of Government, University of Texas at Austin

In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that one percent of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation® technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population. This phenomenon was first noticed in 1974 and reported in a paper published in 1976. Here, the finding was that when 1% of a community practiced the Transcendental Meditation (TM®) program, the crime rate was reduced by 16% on average. At this time, the phenomenon was named the Maharishi Effect. The meaning of this term was later extended to cover the influence generated by the group practice of the TM-Sidhi® program. Generally, the Maharishi Effect may be defined as the influence of coherence and positivity in the social and natural environment generated by the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi programs.

Maharishi introduced the TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying, in 1976. Group practice of this program was observed to be particularly beneficial. On the basis of analogies to physical systems, scientists estimated that the coherence generated by group practice of the TM-Sidhi program should be proportional to the square of the number of participants. Taking into account the “1%” finding, it was predicted that a group with size equal to the square root of 1% of a population would have a measurable influence on the quality of life of that population. For example, a group of 200 practicing the TM-Sidhi program together in a city of four million (100 x 200 x 200) would be sufficient to produce a measurable influence on the whole city; a group of 1,600 in the U.S. would influence 256 million (100 x 1600 x 1600) people, the whole population of the U.S.; and a group of 7,000 would influence 4.9 billion (100 x 7000 x 7000) people, the population of the world at that time.

The TM-Sidhi program was practiced in large groups on numerous occasions in the following decade, and the first statistical analysis of the effects was published in 1987. These showed a decrease of about 11% in violent crimes in Washington, D.C., in total crimes in Metro Manila, and in total crimes in the Union Territory of Delhi. The p values (the probabilities of the observed changes happening by chance) of these three effects were 0.01, 0.005, and 0.001, which are excellent for results in social science.

Subsequent research has confirmed the existence and the universality of the Maharishi Effect. It has become possible to lodge a prediction in advance with the police and the mayor of a city and then create the effect. This was put to the test under the careful scrutiny of a distinguished review board in 1993 in Washington, D.C. The maximum decrease in violent crimes was 23.3%. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion (p < .000000002).

Not surprisingly, since the theory and the phenomenon are so new to modern science, the methodology of a study is subjected to rigorous analysis by the journal review boards before a paper on the Maharishi Effect is accepted for publication. As a result, the research is really a gem of social science, not only on account of its significance, but also for the quality of its methodology.



Scientific research supports the pandit group’s effectiveness

The main purpose of establishing a large group of Vedic Pandits is to create an effect of coherence and harmony in world consciousness.

Scientific research has shown that negative trends are reduced and positive trends are strengthened whenever sufficient numbers of people practise Transcendental Meditation and the advanced TM-Sidhi programme.

These beneficial effects have been observed when

1% of a population has learned Transcendental Meditation or

the square root of 1% of a population practise the TM-Sidhi programme, including Yogic Flying, in one place

This phenomenon is known as the Maharishi Effect, in honour of Maharishi who predicted it in 1960, fifteen years before it began to be empirically validated by scientific research.


The washington study

Violent crime was reduced by almost 25% in Washington DC when a group of 4,000 Yogic Flyers assembled for several weeks in the summer of 1993 (see chart below). This research was published in 1999 in the peer-reviewed journal Social Indicators Research.

Scaling up for the world

The evidence shows that a group of Yogic Flyers equal to the square root of 1% of a population will bring peace to the whole society. As the square root of 1% the world’s population of 7 billion is 8,400, the target for the group of Vedic Pandits has been set at 9,000.


Scientific theory of peace-creating groups

Theoretical explanations of the powerful impact of group meditation on crime and social stress include a “field model of consciousness,” in which consciousness, at its deepest level, is a field that underlies and connects individuals throughout society. Such a theory is consistent with the latest findings in physics, physiology, and neuroscience.

For example, modern physics has located more unified levels of nature’s functioning at smaller time and distance scales, culminating in the discovery of the unified field (‘superstring field’) that underlies and connects all the diverse forces and particles in the universe (see chart on the right).

Similarly, the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme provides direct experience of quieter, deeper levels of thought – culminating in the experience of the unified field at the basis of mind and matter. Group practice powerfully stimulates this universal, unified field of collective consciousness, creating a coherent influence throughout society.

Scientific studies measuring the effect of Transcendental Meditation on society have established that the peace-promoting influence generated by a group of people practicing TM grows in proportion to the square of the size of the group. If the group is made up of Yogic Flyers – those trained in the advanced TM-Sidhi programme – studies show that the square root of 1% of the population is sufficient to create a significant beneficial influence. For the whole world, a group of 9,000 (roughly the square root of 1% of the world’

This means that only a few hundred or a few thousand individuals are needed to produce an extremely powerful and scientifically demonstrable effect of peace, harmony and prosperity in the surrounding society – even on a national or global scale. For the whole world, a group of 9,000 (roughly the square root of 1% of the world’s population) is needed. This is the target size for our group of Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India.


A field effect of consciousness

How is it possible that people practicing Transcendental Meditation alone in their homes or offices, or together in agroup, can influence other people across town, across the country or even around the world – who aren’t even meditating?

The influence of the meditating group travels through an underlying field – in the same way that you can hear a live radio programme broadcast from the other side of the world. In the one case, the electromagnetic field links the radio station and your radio. In the other example, the field of consciousness links the meditator to the rest of the population. Waves of coherence from the peace-creating group spread throughout the field of consciousness, producing a beneficial and measurable influence throughout society.


Coherent systems are more powerful – the example of the laser

Why does it need only a relatively small number of people in the peace-creating group to create a beneficial influence for a whole population? Physics has established that a system functioning coherently has greater power than one functioning incoherently.

Take the example of laser light, i.e. light waves that have been adjusted to function coherently so that the peaks and valleys of each wave are in step with every other wave. Laser light is far more powerful than light emitted from an ordinary light bulb. In fact, the effect size of laser light is proportional to the square of the number of waves – e.g. 100 waves functioning coherently will produce the effect of 10,000 (1002) ordinary waves.

In the same way, a large group of people practising the TM-Sidhi programme enlivens the field of consciousness at a quiet and coherent level producing a peaceful effect far more powerful than those same people could through individual endeavours.


Decreased armed conflict

During the 1980’s Lebanon war, research indicated a 76% drop in war deaths among other findings.

> Read more (click on the source link at the bottom to find more)


A critical experimental test of the approach used by the Global Peace Initiative was conducted during the peak of the Lebanon war. A day- by-day study of a two-month assembly of people practicing advanced Transcendental Meditation in Israel in 1983 showed that, on days when the number of participants (“TM Group Size” right axis in chart at left) was high, war deaths in neighboring Lebanon dropped by 76% (p < 10-7). In addition, crime, traffic accidents, fires, and other indicators of social stress in Israel (combined into a Composite Index) all correlated strongly with changes in the size of the peace-creating group. Other possible causes (weekends, holidays, weather, etc.) were statistically controlled for.



These results were subsequently replicated in nine consecutive experiments over a two-year period during the peak of the Lebanon war. The results of these interventions included:

war-related fatalities decreased by 71%

war-related injuries fell by 68%

the level of conflict dropped by 48%

cooperation among antagonists increased by 66%

The likelihood that these combined results were due to chance is less than one part in 1019, making this approach of reducing societal stress and conflict the most rigorously established approach in the history of conflict management.


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Reduced global terrorism

A meta-analysis of three separate global experiments showed a drop in global terrorism by 72%.

> Read more (click on the source link at the bottom to find more)


The global influence on terrorism of three large peace-creating assemblies was studied retrospectively through an analysis of data compiled by the Rand Corporation. The data revealed a 72% reduction in worldwide terrorism during the three assemblies taken together, as compared to all other weeks during a two-year period. Each assembly had approached or exceeded the participation threshold (square root of 1% of the world’s population) predicted to create a global influence of peace. The study ruled out the possibility that this reduction in terrorism was due to cycles, trends, or drifts in the measures used, or to seasonal changes.


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Decreased crime and social stress

A demonstration project in Washington D.C produced a 23% drop in violent crime.

> Read more


A National Demonstration Project conducted in Washington, D.C., from June 7 to July 30, 1993, tested the efficacy of the Global Peace Initiative’s approach to reducing crime and social stress and improving the effectiveness of government. In this carefully controlled experiment, the peace-creating group increased from 800 to 4,000 over the two-month period. Although violent crime had been steadily increasing during the first five months of the year, soon after the start of the study, violent crime (measured by FBI Uniform Crime Statistics) began decreasing and continued to drop until the end of the experiment (maximum decrease 23.3%), after which it began to rise again. The likelihood that this result could be attributed to chance variation in crime levels was less than two parts per billion (p < .000000002). The drop in crime could not be attributed to other possible causes, including temperature, precipitation, weekends, and police and community anti-crime activities.


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> Click here for a bibliography of studies.




Edited by AleksM

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"1 million children meditating for world peace in Thailand."





Every year, a project called V-Star Change the World brings schoolchildren to a Buddhist temple in Thailand for a day of meditation.

Organisers claim that one million children attended the most recent event at the Phra Dhammakaya temple near Bangkok.

The temple has attracted controversy in the past, with critics claiming the meditation exercise is simply for show, and others likening its activities to a cult.

But the temple believes that when one million children meditate together it can help to change the world.




Additional resources to check out:


Edited by AleksM

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There's many other groups and studies that have done this with great success. To me its all common sense.

Everything is Energy.


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46 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

In my estimation it takes a group of about 7.6 billion willing participants to achieve world piece.

Whether they meditate or make it a bingo night probably doesn't matter all that much. :ph34r:

You are quite correct, if everyone in the world is doing what they love and passionate about which ultimately puts them in a vibration of "Joy"  may actually far exceed the effect of meditation alone.

Edited by pluto


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@pluto @Mighty Mouse

Added another video the the second post.

A funny fact is that ancient people said 144,000 people are needed to bring piece to the earth. Of course this could be bullshit but it's Quite interesting when you think about it and connect it to what I posted above.


There is one prediction that can be found both, in the book of revelations and the emerald tablets forecasting something really exciting!

It says that there will be an incarnation of 144,000 lightworkers who will save earth from the “forces of darkness” during the end times of the kali yuga.

The most interesting part about this prediction is the realization that most of these lightworkers are now here and in the process of “waking up” to their divine purpose and mission on earth.

Majority of them might not even know or remember who they REALLY are!

According to spiritual teachers and psychics, the cellular memories of the 144,000 were programmed, timed, and triggered to “go off” at this time and awaken them to their true identity, mission, and purpose for incarnating on earth at this most crucial time in earth’s history.

What Does Saving The World Means?

The term “saving the planet” carries a wrong connotation and that’s why most people don’t understand what we really mean. It’s not literally about the planet Earth, the Earth is fine with or without us.

There’s not going to be an epic fight between the dark and the light. At least not here in the physical realm. We need saving as species, there is something rotten deep in our collective psyche and we need to deal with it.

The so called “forces of darkness” are simply the projection of this shadow we need to face deep in ourselves. Lightworkers are people who heal on many levels. They heal mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually.

They do this through their work and their energy if they learn to control and manage it. That’s why they are the ones who will “save the world from the forces of darkness” because they will help us heal the shadows of humanity.


YouTube search:

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24 minutes ago, AleksM said:

@pluto @Mighty Mouse

Added another video the the second post.

A funny fact is that ancient people said 144,000 people are needed to bring piece to the earth. Of course this could be bullshit but it's Quite interesting when you think about it and connect it to what I posted above.

YouTube search:

Yass bitch.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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33 minutes ago, AleksM said:

@pluto @Mighty Mouse

Added another video the the second post.

A funny fact is that ancient people said 144,000 people are needed to bring piece to the earth. Of course this could be bullshit but it's Quite interesting when you think about it and connect it to what I posted above.

YouTube search:


Royal because we answer to no one, servants because we serve all - The Royal Servants

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Some food for thought:

Even if everyone on the planet was enlightened, there would still not be peace on Earth.

The nature of survival is nasty, brutal, and unfair. Not everyone in the world can live in a nice cushy suburb. Just by the very fact that your body exists, it is denying existence to other things/beings. Life is a dirty business.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

Can't we all just... get along...

Should be true ...

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Some food for thought:

Even if everyone on the planet was enlightened, there would still not be peace on Earth.

The nature of survival is nasty, brutal, and unfair. Not everyone in the world can live in a nice cushy suburb. Just by the very fact that your body exists, it is denying existence to other things/beings. Life is a dirty business.

Well on the other hand, out of nothing arose something.
So why would that something need to diminish other somethings in order to survive, if its origin is nothing. 

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Another idea would be a guaranteed income for all beings from birth till death. (a monetary system based on equality, and there are already certain movements like that). If we consider that central banks can now create money virtually out of nothing, that's possible.

We need to go from a contracted state to an expanded state.



Pictures are about the work from David R. Hawkins Power vs. Force

Edited by AleksM

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17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Some food for thought:

Even if everyone on the planet was enlightened, there would still not be peace on Earth.

The nature of survival is nasty, brutal, and unfair. Not everyone in the world can live in a nice cushy suburb. Just by the very fact that your body exists, it is denying existence to other things/beings. Life is a dirty business.

Don't turn that story into a limiting-belief Leo.  

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Just now, Mighty Mouse said:

Suns don't explode without diminishing the planets in its orbit.

And without exploding suns we wouldn't be here to bitch about it ;)

Gotta love exploding suns. One day it will be our own sun that explodes.

Are they really diminishing them, or are they merely returning them into the eternal light they´ve always been?


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3 minutes ago, blazed said:

Yeah I love exploding stuff aswell, Every explosion is a chance to bring a whole new consciousness to life.

When one door closes, another opens.  I love that quote.

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1 minute ago, blazed said:

I was talking about getting my g/f pregnant, don't kill me off so quickly!!!

Haha.  You guys have sex on the brain.  See, I am too pure, like a priest.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Yes, you are right, but consider the rise of the internet in the last 10 years. Information is spreading exponentially and so more and more people Will know about the self-serving agendas and manipulations of the government and so from my perspective the collapse of the current government is inevitable. There are not that many people on the top of the financial pyramid and there should come a time when the power Will go back to the masses of people.

Edited by AleksM

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Some food for thought:

Even if everyone on the planet was enlightened, there would still not be peace on Earth.

The nature of survival is nasty, brutal, and unfair. Not everyone in the world can live in a nice cushy suburb. Just by the very fact that your body exists, it is denying existence to other things/beings. Life is a dirty business.

Eckhart Tolle would disagree aka A New Earth.

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