
In "true Self," Behind The Walls Of Appearance, Are All The Answers. Look For Solutions Inside.

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Hello, I have been reading very interesting articles on self-realization, or enlightenment or Samadhi, whatever you want to call it. Even Leo with synthetic drugs.
I have used many dorgas and some yes give the glimpse of what is self-realization. But none comes close to what it is. Yes, I went through that experience. For eight days. My experience was exactly like that of Eckhart Tolle, author of the power of the now. We just deal with it differently. I do not want to become a guru or teach you how to arrive at this magnificent state naturally, because I do not even know how I got it. I did not meditate at the time, nor was I so spiritual. It happened after a very frank conversation with my mother, but it was not a frank talk, it was profoundly true and transparent. Then I went to my room and cried until I slept like Eckhart ... the next day I woke up literally.

So I was God, in ecstasy and deep contemplation. I realized that everything was made of ABSOLUTE LOVE and TRUTH, words that do not represent what you feel and perceive, but they are the only ones that are approaching. The recognition of EtERNIDA, of which I, You are eternal, is part of the ecstasy. We are UNIQUE. And this is absolute truth, nothing and none of us are equal. We're unique. And that's part of the great TRUTH. We are each a DIVINITY project. Projects of Universes. We live in a nursery of universes. In Samdhi I discovered that we can only evolve through interactions while in the flesh to exercise the free-arbitrator (our Divine spark) because in the natural state of consciousness our relationship is interlaced and there is no way to exercise anything.

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On 17/10/2017 at 10:28 AM, Bonobom said:

Olá, eu tenho lido artigos muito interessantes sobre auto-realização, ou iluminação ou Samadhi, o que quer que você queira chamar. Mesmo 
Eu usei muitos drogas e algumas sim dão um vislumbre do que é auto-realização. Mas não se aproxima do que é. Sim, experimentei essa experiência. Por oito dias, quinze no total. Minha experiência foi exatamente como a de Eckhart Tolle, autor do poder do agora. Nós apenas lidamos com isso de forma diferente. Eu não quero me tornar um guru ou ensinar-lhe como chegar a este estado magnífico naturalmente, porque eu nem sei como consegui. Não meditava na épocan nem fui uma pessoa muito epiritualizada. Aconteceu depois de uma conversa muito franca com minha mãe, mas não foi uma conversa franca, foi profundamente verdade e transparente. Na época eu tinha depresão profunda. Então eu fui ao meu quarto e chorei até eu dormir, como aconteceu Eckhart ... no dia seguinte eu acordei literalmente.

Então eu era Deus, em êxtase e profunda contemplação. Eu percebi que tudo era feito de ABSOLUTO AMOR e VERDADE, palavras que não representam o que você sente e percebe, mas são os únicos que se aproximam. O reconhecimento de EtERNIDA, do qual eu, Você é eterno, é parte do êxtase. Somos únicos. E esta é a verdade absoluta, nada e nenhum de nós é igual. Nós somos únicos. E isso é parte da grande VERDADE. Somos cada um um projeto de DIVINIDADE. Projetos de Universidades. Vivemos em um berçário de universos. Em Samdhi, descobri que só podemos evoluir através das interações na carne para exercer o arbitro livre (nossa centelha divina) porque, no estado natural de consciência, nosso relacionamento está entrelaçado e não há como exercitar nada.


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Nice, spirituality is basically moving towards states like samadhi, higher consciousness. The unseen becomes a reality, a fact. In normal consciousness, nothing is possible to know, the unseen is just that, unseen. But none of us are God, God in my experience is the Creator of all that IS, but that's my experience. But I agree that we are eternal, or the soul is. The mind doesn't know any better, but any true high spiritual journey will tell you that what we consider unseen is a reality and death an illusion, not just by doing drugs but also without it given enough time.

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Yes great insight. Consciousness is split apart down the dimensional ladder in order to be able to experience every single aspect of limitations themselves. An illusion that is neccessary for the real truth even beneath the truth of consciousness itself.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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On 19/10/2017 at 5:18 PM, LaucherJunge said:

Yes great insight. Consciousness is split apart down the dimensional ladder in order to be able to experience every single aspect of limitations themselves. An illusion that is neccessary for the real truth even beneath the truth of consciousness itself.

It is the price we pay for the free-arbitrator, which guarantees us the continuous and infinite evolution of our individuality integrated into the whole in absolute harmony.

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On 19/10/2017 at 11:53 AM, Highest said:

Nice, spirituality is basically moving towards states like samadhi, higher consciousness. The unseen becomes a reality, a fact. In normal consciousness, nothing is possible to know, the unseen is just that, unseen. But none of us are God, God in my experience is the Creator of all that IS, but that's my experience. But I agree that we are eternal, or the soul is. The mind doesn't know any better, but any true high spiritual journey will tell you that what we consider unseen is a reality and death an illusion, not just by doing drugs but also without it given enough time.

When I entered Samadhi, and stayed for fifteen days, I did not know what was happening. I came in naturally. I did not ask, I did not ask. And from what I remember I was never afraid to be mad or mad. Then I realized how many people should be in hospices for not being able to deal with this awakened state. I am awakened that we are God and that there is a Higher Deity. This is very clear from experience. Did you experience the awakening of the Self?

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Who created my dream last night? It wasn't me, because me as a character in the dream knew nothing of the events about to take place...

If my mind created the dream it was definitely my subconscious mind.

Could it not be that the same entity- the subconscious (or collective subconscious)  is creating our reality (collective dream) right now?

Perhaps the subconscious (The creator, God) then is not an aware entity - because it is operating below awareness. Therefore this leaves that it is operating like a program,  and perhaps we are the programmers as the light of awareness. 

Edited by Dodo

The entire Universe conspired for you to sneeze

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16 hours ago, Bonobom said:

When I entered Samadhi, and stayed for fifteen days, I did not know what was happening. I came in naturally. I did not ask, I did not ask. And from what I remember I was never afraid to be mad or mad. Then I realized how many people should be in hospices for not being able to deal with this awakened state. I am awakened that we are God and that there is a Higher Deity. This is very clear from experience. Did you experience the awakening of the Self?

Yes, I think so. But my journey took me more to the astral plane, lucid dreaming, playing with energy etc. You are right about hospices, I have been hospitalized myself after being in higher consciousness for over a year while smoking weed which only intensified everything. Eventually I hit rock bottom, it was too powerful, too intense.

And yeah, I have experienced that God exists, very directly too. There is nothing I'm more sure about. 

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On 26/10/2017 at 7:46 PM, Dodo said:

Who created my dream last night? It wasn't me, because me as a character in the dream knew nothing of the events about to take place...

If my mind created the dream it was definitely my subconscious mind.

Could it not be that the same entity- the subconscious (or collective subconscious)  is creating our reality (collective dream) right now?

Perhaps the subconscious (The creator, God) then is not an aware entity - because it is operating below awareness. Therefore this leaves that it is operating like a program,  and perhaps we are the programmers as the light of awareness. 

On 19/10/2017 at 11:53 AM, Highest said:

Nice, spirituality is basically moving towards states like samadhi, higher consciousness. The unseen becomes a reality, a fact. In normal consciousness, nothing is possible to know, the unseen is just that, unseen. But none of us are God, God in my experience is the Creator of all that IS, but that's my experience. But I agree that we are eternal, or the soul is. The mind doesn't know any better, but any true high spiritual journey will tell you that what we consider unseen is a reality and death an illusion, not just by doing drugs but also without it given enough time.

When I entered Samadhi, and stayed for fifteen days, I did not know what was happening. I came in naturally. I did not ask, I did not ask. And from what I remember I was never afraid to be mad or mad. Then I realized how many people should be in hospices for not being able to deal with this awakened state. I am awakened that we are God and that there is a Higher Deity. This is very clear from experience. Did you experience the awakening of the Self?


Edited by Bonobom

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On 27/10/2017 at 10:51 AM, Highest said:


Yes, I think so. But my journey took me more to the astral plane, lucid dreaming, playing with energy etc. You are right about hospices, I have been hospitalized myself after being in higher consciousness for over a year while smoking weed which only intensified everything. Eventually I hit rock bottom, it was too powerful, too intense.

And yeah, I have experienced that God exists, very directly too. There is nothing I'm more sure about. 

On 19/10/2017 at 10:48 AM, Bonobom said:

I will not suppose or conjecture about the nature of God. I can speak of the experience I had of Samadhi for 15 days. Though I have expanded my consciousness and eliminated the lower ego, I have had no direct experience with a deity. That we are Gods I am sure, that there is individuality and the whole (Divinity) is also a certainty. I was aware of the Deity but I do not know whether the deity was aware of me or whether I was the consciousness of Divinity. At first I lost my bodily consciousness, or perhaps I gained hyperosciousness. Since then I know that I am dreaming most of the time, others co-create the dream. Another certainty is that the Godhead somehow needs us. Maybe for being us. Much wisdom that was passed to me in this period can not be passed on because there is no possible form of communication for it. One intuition that remained is that we are in the nursery of Universes.


On 19/10/2017 at 10:48 AM, Bonobom said:


On 26/10/2017 at 5:51 PM, Bonobom said:

When I entered Samadhi, and stayed for fifteen days, I did not know what was happening. I came in naturally. I did not ask, I did not ask. And from what I remember I was never afraid to be mad or mad. Then I realized how many people should be in hospices for not being able to deal with this awakened state. I am awakened that we are God and that there is a Higher Deity. This is very clear from experience. Did you experience the awakening of the Self?

On 19/10/2017 at 10:48 AM, Bonobom said:


On 19/10/2017 at 10:48 AM, Bonobom said:
On 19/10/2017 at 11:53 AM, Highest said:

Nice, spirituality is basically moving towards states like samadhi, higher consciousness. The unseen becomes a reality, a fact. In normal consciousness, nothing is possible to know, the unseen is just that, unseen. But none of us are God, God in my experience is the Creator of all that IS, but that's my experience. But I agree that we are eternal, or the soul is. The mind doesn't know any better, but any true high spiritual journey will tell you that what we consider unseen is a reality and death an illusion, not just by doing drugs but also without it given enough time.


On 19/10/2017 at 10:48 AM, Bonobom said:



On 19/10/2017 at 10:48 AM, Bonobom said:


On 27/10/2017 at 0:15 PM, Nahm said:

What a beautiful thread. ❤️

On 19/10/2017 at 10:48 AM, Bonobom said:




On 27/10/2017 at 0:15 PM, Nahm said:

What a beautiful thread. ❤️


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