
Sleep Walking

8 posts in this topic

For a while now I've been experiencing something I cant really explain, For instance Ill be out in nature walking my dog, and I literally feel like I'm in some dream that everything around me is unreal, tree, plants, animals, I could only imagine this is what sleep walking feels like. I don't feel like myself anymore and there's this resting sadness inside me, it causes my head to hurt. I'm unsure if all of these things are related. 

Is this normal? 
What am I going through? 
What can I do?

Someone help!. 

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You're having an experience of some sort :) Unless it has debilitating consequences, it is normal. No idea about the connection of sadness and headache. What can you do? Meditate & practice surrender.

Love ya,

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@LupeMy brother used to sleepwalk a lot, one time when he was young he pissed on the living room floor thinking it was the bathroom. I thought it was hilarious, but my mom didn't. 

But yea, what you're propably going through is normal. From what i've read you're literally waking up from the dream (your "normal" life). And who wants to wake up from a dream? Dreams are nice and magical. Your ego doesn't like waking up. It wants to stay a little longer! This might cause the sadness (might, because I am by no means an expert!). The sadness could also very well be caused by an external factor in your personal life. And mabye thats causing the shift in perception of your daily life.

And also, don't fight the experience. Embrace every detail like its your best friend. Feeling like you're not yourself sounds like the best feeling that could happen imo. I literally wish I was in your shoes. How AWESOME must it be to see trees and flowers in a completely different and unreal way? Thats magic. A different view of life!

Now i'm not sure if you're going through an awakening or not, therefor I know too little about you. But from what i've read in your post, these are good signs in the right direction. 

Hope this helped!

PS: say hi to your dog for me okay? :)


Edited by Vitamine Water

The art is to look without looking 

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@Vitamine Water  LOL awe man that sucks your bro went through that!

I will let Goofy (my dog) know you say hello! Thank you for writing back:), I've definitely been thinking of the idea that maybe I'm experiencing a mini realization or an insight, but if that's true, I'm NOT  enjoying it. It physically makes my head hut lol.  I've never ever felt this way before. I have been meditating and practicing consciousness work for a year and some months now.  I'm unsure if their is an association between them. 

I will practice what you recommended above by being the space that holds this odd experience. Thank you so much!xD:) 

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@Nahm I don't know why I get sad or depress after going through this. Perhaps my world is  coming to an end. Who knows?

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Thank you ALL for writing back (I'm new to the forum). I was anticipating the moment someone can give me answers or an explanation, I appreciate it everyone who took the time to write back. 


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