Tell Me About Hatha Yoga

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Tell me about Hatha Yoga. What is it like? What is it about? What are your experiences? 

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I have learned in a camp, we did about 4-5 hours of yoga every day. It's tiring at first and you gonna sweat if you are going to do a 1-hour program for the first few times. You may be told about energies if you are learning in a class, but make sure you verify everything in your direct experience.

Generally speaking, if done frequently, it will improve your focus and flexibility.

Experiences: The second day of the camp after yoga, I have released some anger. The third day, in the morning I was laughing alot - I think some emotional blockage got released again. The same day afternoon - holy shit. Flat out close to enlightenment experience. After doing yoga, we did a meditation laying down, it was progressive muscle relaxation with a Do Nothing "section" at the end. After relaxing the body, I felt like I need to surrender myself. I was really into enlightenment at that time, so I repeated the phrase "Take me, death!" in my head. All of a sudden - with my eyes closed - my imagination blacked out and then it was followed by a vision of the Big Bang. After that, I slowly opened my eyes and I felt as everything around me was me, that I am the Universe. I felt myself being the room. I still had a sense of my ego and the really subtle delusion that I am the body, but I still felt like I am all that I am surrounded by. I felt really happy. When we were walking back to the camping place, I looked at the world with the eyes of a 5-year-old. I suddenly understood why in Zen Buddhism "your mind is like a 4-year-old child's" is a compliment. I have got an insight from this experience that has changed my life since (Authenticity is the source of all spiritual purification).

I don't really do it that much but sometimes when I feel like I need to release some energies, I do yoga.

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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@SFRL it's about purifying/unblocking the means through which Reality experiences and recognizes Itself.

practically speaking, the yogi is committed to strengthening and stretching his muscles, fixing his posture, cleansing his internal organs, improving his diet, enhancing his breathing patterns, unblocking trapped emotions, recognizing beliefs as mere beliefs and training the mind to be steady and present.

experiences: all of that

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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Done Hatha Yoga for 7 years before i quit to practise kung fu full time. Some benefits:

- i breath better (=deeper)

- more calm, more sensitive, more conscious, more positive

- more streched than ever before

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  On 10/16/2017 at 10:13 PM, ajasatya said:

@SFRL it's about purifying/unblocking the means through which Reality experiences and recognizes Itself.

practically speaking, the yogi is committed to strengthening and stretching his muscles, fixing his posture, cleansing his internal organs, improving his diet, enhancing his breathing patterns, unblocking trapped emotions, recognizing beliefs as mere beliefs and training the mind to be steady and present.

experiences: all of that

I love this definition or rather explanation of the essence of yoga <3

whatever arises, love that

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@ajasatya That sounds really freaking cool. But how can I discern a good yoga school from a 'I want to get in shape' yoga school?

I want to master my body, something I recently found that I'm very passionate about. Which kind of yoga would be best for that? ,Having the spiritual side still attached to it but also a focus on optimal bodily health, receptivity, and sensitivity

I am even considering spending 1 year or so at an Isha foundation ashram when I have enough money, freedom, and responsibility to travel.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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  On 1/10/2018 at 6:34 PM, Charlotte said:

I'm starting this Saturday, so excited :D

Good on Ya! Will love to know if it helps your back pain. xx

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  On 1/12/2018 at 5:05 AM, Jasmine said:

Good on Ya! Will love to know if it helps your back pain. xx

Thank you. Me too! I've tried everything with regards to the pain and I'm turning to holistic treatment now. 


Fingers crossed! Will update :) xx

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