
Is This Just Me?

14 posts in this topic

Im scared of losing my good qualities like my care for others, my loyalty, how i think everyone is equally beautiful, being there for people.... i am scared that i will lose them and get neurotic as a result, does this happen to others too?


How can i stop lying to myself out of neurosis? only about 55 percent of the things i think are my real thoughts, because im always scared im not these traits that i am ir that i might lose them.




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As you get older you will not loose those qualities but they will become more flexible depending on the context. Like I will be loyal, but under these circumstances. I will never cheat, but if this and that then.... Everyone is beautiful but...

It really comes with life experience to judge context and also your cognitive abilities become more complex as you age. Keep in mind that your brain actually isn't fully grown/developed until your mid twenties. 

When you look at a little kid, like a four year old, they can't differentiate between 'stupid' and 'nice'. They don't think along the lines like this annoys me about the person but they got their good sides as well. It's black or white at that age. 

As a person gets older they develop the ability to judge more critical and complex. From my experience that will continue well into your twenties and even thirties. 

Edited by SFRL

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@BobbyLowell If you died right now, you would be pure blissful infinite conscious love. You will NEVER lose love. The best we can do, is hold thoughts resistant to love, and convince ourselves we are something else for a while. 

Go observer for a few days. Don’t speak unless you really need to. Notice what is going on. All is well. 

The reason to lose self, is to become love.

And, we all have your back. So does the universe. You’re good. ??



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@BobbyLowell everyone is love. Every thing is the illusion of love. Some know this and give love. Most don’t and ask for love. Every person is either asking for love, or giving love. There are many ways, but that’s what I see. 

Edited by Nahm



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@BobbyLowell You ARE love. I’m not referring to what you do, or what you think.  Picture an enlightened master right now in your mind. What has he experienced that you (yet) have not? The giant smile on his face is a solid clue. It is not the smile of nihilism. LOL!



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@Nahmso I can give love to anyone at any point and it would be true love?


also how/would it be possible to love everyone in the world?

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@BobbyLowell I love you Bobby Lowell. I really do. I love knowing we are of the same atoms. I love knowing we are the same love.  I love remembering when I was where you’re at now. I love the rapport I feel with you - us both being ‘seekers’ and what not. I love that you use your real name, and if it isn’t, I love that you made up one that has such a ring of Americana’. I love that most go with Bob, and you, in your sweet innocence, roll with Bobby.  I love that you are comfortable enough with your vulnerability that you began your post with “I’m scared”. I love your direct simple style of communication, it is easy to read, and easy to relate to. I love seeing your 2 “points”! You are adorable. I love love love that your fear is of losing your ‘good’ qualities! I see your traits as the exact results of your experiences, and I love how you care about yourself enough to express concern of potentially losing those traits that you earned. You made you and you don’t want to lose what you’ve gained. I get it! I love that you contributed here, thus giving me an opportunity to remember where I’ve come from, what I’ve been through. I’ve been flying high for a while in a heaven of understanding & detachment, and I love how you bring me back to where I’ve come from. I LOVE THAT. Thank you!!!! I love how you’re asking about love. One question at a time, methodical and so damn innocent. I love you! I love that you use percentages to express your thinking! I do that all the time!!!! I love that you’re on the cusp of discovering that everyone just wants to be their authentic self - Love! I love seeing how you’re seeing that it is each individual’s hang ups with themselves that prevent them from giving and receiving the love they desire. I love that you’re even on this forum saying anything at all, and allowing me an opportunity to ramble about love. I love nothing more. Thank you so much Bobby. ❤️ Really. Thank you. One day you will be the old rambler, and I hope by then you are allowing the love to pour through you as well. If it’s all the same to you, know when that day comes for you, it will be now, so now is as good a time as any. Now is the only time. Love Bobby. Love yourself, take care of yourself, in your mind, treat yourself at least as good as you treat your best friend. Love yourself Bobby, and the mysteries of the universe will show themselves to you, because they are all indeed within you. One day you will see this, and the path in your wake will be love. 



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Oh my god tHANK YoU sO So MUCH❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️That is so oooo sweet. One day I hope to be as loving and appreciative of others as you are. I wish I knew more about your life.

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8 hours ago, BobbyLowell said:

Im scared of losing my good qualities like my care for others, my loyalty, how i think everyone is equally beautiful, being there for people.... i am scared that i will lose them and get neurotic as a result, does this happen to others too?


How can i stop lying to myself out of neurosis? only about 55 percent of the things i think are my real thoughts, because im always scared im not these traits that i am ir that i might lose them.




Why do you feel this is likely to happen?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum I don't know I am just scared of it because it's the worst thing one of it that can happen

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