Damir Elezi

Advice On Goal Setting

3 posts in this topic

I intend on buying the life purpose course and I guess this question will be pretty much answered there but I can't afford that right now so I gotta create a proto-answer for myself for now. I am thinking about setting strategic goals for myself. As far As I read about it in various sources, goals, if I want them to actually move me, have to be:

1. Clearly formulated

2. Measurable 

3. High enough to inspire and motivate me but not so ridiculous that I don't even take them serious any move

4. Aligned with my deepest values. 

After contemplating about it from time to time for the last 2 years basically I think that my top values are joy, knowledge/wisdom, strength, calm/peace and something you might call "friendliness". 

Now I have two issues I'm struggling with. Firstly, some areas of life are easier to measure than others. For example in business you could just take a number on your bank account as your goal, a number of customers/clients etc. When it comes to areas like emotional mastery or building social skills, I don't really know how to set a clear, measurable goal there.

Secondly, how do I know if a goal is too high or too low? For example, a financial goal could be to have 50,000 euros (from germany) on my bank account in 7 years. Of course aiming at 100,000 pulls me more, but it also creates the danger of me getting all neurotic about it because I am not able to achieve the goal. How do I know what is a good balance? What do you think is realistic for a 20 year old guy just getting started in life? 

Thank you all in advance :)

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9 hours ago, Damir Elezi said:

When it comes to areas like emotional mastery or building social skills, I don't really know how to set a clear, measurable goal there

Get creative with it.

For social skills, you could set a goal to have X number of people in your network or close friends.  Or talking to X number of strangers by Y time. Or making three people laugh everyday.

For emotional mastery, you could say "I want to feel X way Y% of the time". Then you record your emotions throughout the day and see if you're on track or not. Or you could set a goal to install specific habits that you know will lead to emotional mastery, like meditation.

So you can figure it out. It doesn't have to be perfect, you just want to make you can measure it in some way so you know what's working and where you're heading.

Also, you're not going to be able to know what's realistic unless you maybe get the assistance of someone who has been there before, like a mentor. Otherwise just take your best guess and adjust accordingly.


Edited by aurum

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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