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Wholistic Psychotherapy/counselling - Advice Please

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I am having a strong pull and some interesting thoughts bubbling up towards working with people who go through the varying forms of suffering at the moment and I am wondering if anyone on here has any experience with the wholistic field of treatment. I can find stuff on the internet but am asking here to see if any one has some first hand experience or if there are actual practitioners on here to give me some advice.

To be honest the pull surprises me as having gone through deep depression for many years I didn't find any of the people I saw to be that helpful as they only ever seemed to scratch the surface. That is not to say that there are not any good practitioners our there, just that I didn't experience any.

Anyways, any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. 

In gratitude

Edited by Brimstone

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I see two options :

  • You find a holistic center or therapist where you live doing a lot of research
  • You combine body centered psychotherapy with other physical and spiritual practices and maybe even some workshops. In this way you can take from every activity what serves you and build yourself a holistic approach. What helped me and still is helping is :
  1. Radical honesty ( they do good workshops)
  2. Mindfulness meditation
  3. Hatha yoga
  4. Holotropic breathwork
  5. Rebirthing breathwork
  6. Dynamic meditations ( Osho dynamic meditation and others )
  7. Bioenergetics
  8. Vipassana retreat
  9. Diet
  10. Experiencially Therapy ( gestalt, transpersonal , humanistic , ... )


For me in the beginning it was really hard to get out of the rut alone. So, it might be helpful to begin creating a support system with a schedule in which you are helped by others to do the activities regularly. 

Good luck.

Observe reality as it is, not as you would like it to be 

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That is some really helpful advice thanks Nick

In grattitude

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@Brimstone become a true yogi and implement a consistent practice first. then you'll be gaining money from sharing your practice.

unborn Truth

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Thanks @ajasatya , you have a beautiful and soft heart full of love and compassion.

It doesn't really matter but I am actually leaving this site as it feels like it has served its purpose in revealing the shadows within myself that I need to work on, the work I will continue elsewhere. 

I will pray that the gentle loving nature of purity that is That opens your heart even further so you can be the teacher you see yourself as.

From the heart


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9 hours ago, Brimstone said:

It doesn't really matter but I am actually leaving this site as it feels like it has served its purpose in revealing the shadows within myself that I need to work on, the work I will continue elsewhere. 

I will pray that the gentle loving nature of purity that is That opens your heart even further so you can be the teacher you see yourself as.

fly, free bird!

and worry not. this forum is just another responsibility that i chose consciously. in "real life" i teach zen and yoga as well.

from the heart

unborn Truth

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