
New Mean To Transfer Ideas Better

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There are lot of time-wasting content in websites  and books.what to do with so many books or contents we want to read?and most of them may have not contain the help they promise. 

I think the current languages we use to communicate ,has many issues (may be many extra words and structures we don`t need).If we find a better way to communicate in a right-to-the-point manner, we can minimize the time we need to transfer or get ideas.

First of all we must know the goals of such a mean: easily detect wastes.

2.the  structure of the media dont let us to talk more than enough.

In this regard, I have some suggestion :

-we can have many more readable sentence formats by beginning the by a symbol and separating  its parts by parentheses.

 for example :

     - we can use '?' symbol instead of 'what' at the beginning of sentences and end all sentences with dot.

    - for conditional sentences,we can use this format:  '::' sign at the beginning + (cause or reason  part) + '=>' symbol + (the effect or result part)

- Then we can begin every sentence at the beginning of the line and separate paragraphs by one empty line.

 even we can write every sentence of a paragraph in a row of a table

- The form of the letters carry no meaning. they can be shaped in a more meaningful shapes.


these modification of letters,words,sentences and paragraphs can be more purposeful than they are.

Anybody have and idea about it?

Edited by nima

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You can learn Sanskrit?! 9_9

100 pages English will be 10 pages Sanskrit...

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Thank you henri.I already know about arabic which its grammer is very regular.

I saw sanscrit grammer in the internet. I already know persian which have many word in common with sanscrit. Switching between current languages doesnot help much. we need something more than a new language.(as you may know spranto is a simple language which intended to be a better language than traditional languages)

Edited by nima

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I am listening to audiobooks, that helps a lot and you can do it during commutes or in the waiting rooms ... there's a lot of websites with interesting audiobooks available for free. You can also pay like in

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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