Samuel Garcia

Why Isn't The Truth Obvious?

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Why do I need a certain brain chemistry to realise the Truth? Why does 5-Meo-DMT get infinity but without it now I have no infinity? Isn't the Truth just the Truth so why can't I see that now? It sounds like ''have your brain like X and then you'll be enlightened'' but isn't enlightenment here now?

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Because Truth is hard to get and most do not Know Truth, just like going to the gym to get fit, you have to do certain things to discover the Truth. The truth is many, for some it is infinity, for others it is certainty of God's existence and that supernatural entities exists (my experience). Experience equals truth, but the truth is not just ONE. Nevertheless, your brain chemistry has to change in order for you to experience truth, just like getting fit you have to go to the gym, just the way it works. It's a long process.

Enlightenment is here now means that anyone can access it, it's within you not outside somewhere. Doesn't mean you are enlightened due, that again requires change in the brain, either trough intense years of meditation/self-inquiry or psychedelics.

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Thich Nhat Hanh says, enlightenment is the moment the wave realizes it's water. This has been very illuminating to me. Imagine you are the wave, but you must realize you are the same stuff with water. Very simple and clear, yet very very difficult.

I guess he hasn't used any psychedelics but he's in a current meditative state, so :) 

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@Samuel Garcia Yes it is here now. There is only now so how could it be in any other way? 

The brain has nothing to do with truth. It can't grasp the truth but it tries to figure it all out. When you start to see the way it does it's thing is the day you start to see through the illusion of the mind cause the mind is everywhere but here now. It thinks of the past and the future and even on the now. It distorts what is into that which it isn't.

So conditioning the mind to get enlightened won't work. Transcend it.

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2 hours ago, Samuel Garcia said:

Why do I need a certain brain chemistry to realise the Truth? Why does 5-Meo-DMT get infinity but without it now I have no infinity? Isn't the Truth just the Truth so why can't I see that now? It sounds like ''have your brain like X and then you'll be enlightened'' but isn't enlightenment here now?

Perhaps the Truth isn't obvious, because there is no Truth?

And just like nothingness, 

not seeing it


seeing it.


Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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2 hours ago, Samuel Garcia said:

Why does 5-Meo-DMT get infinity but without it now I have no infinity?

You DO have infinity. You're inside of it right now. Everything you see is infinity. The problem is you're aware of it.

The Truth IS extremely obvious. Once you see it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Once you figure out all of the ways that the mind colors reality you will see it.  You will see it by learning what awareness is and over time your awareness will increase to where you can make a distinction between mind and not mind.  And this distinction doesn’t have to be perfect because it has a practical use.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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My ego finds the “truth” quite boring and doesn’t give it much value. It would rather pursue goals and create stories and concepts.

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1 hour ago, WelcometoReality said:

When you start to see the way it does it's thing is the day you start to see through the illusion of the mind cause the mind is everywhere but here now. It thinks of the past and the future and even on the now. It distorts what is into that which it isn't.

This sums it up perfectly. Even when mind is thinking about now, it is thinking about now after it happened, it is never in the moment in it's thinking, although it only thinks in the moment. 

Ask yourself @Samuel Garcia what is happening now? That is where you will find your answer. 

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4 hours ago, Samuel Garcia said:

Why do I need a certain brain chemistry to realise the Truth? Why does 5-Meo-DMT get infinity but without it now I have no infinity? Isn't the Truth just the Truth so why can't I see that now? It sounds like ''have your brain like X and then you'll be enlightened'' but isn't enlightenment here now?

“I” doesn’t need anything, “I” is the truth.  If you identify you as the body / brain, (delusion) only then is there the need (delusion)  for the chemical change (illusion), which still doesn’t produce the “I” experiencing it, but it takes away a lot of what is being experienced, revealing the I.



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I guess it's hidden by layers and layers and layers of concepts and beliefs. and it's painful to go through the process of unknowing, because knowing gives us a false sense of security. it's like jumping down a cliff whilst taking away one security net after the other.

whatever arises, love that

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"Truth" is just another construct of the mind, it's a concept that the ego builds a paradigm around to orient it's self identity and it creates dogmatic ideas in the process. Releasing the desire to seek the truth is one of the most freeing exercises one can do for awakening from the conditioning that transpires in the mind, just accept things as they are without trying to 'truthify' every experience.

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The 5-MEO inhibits the parts of the brain which allow you to function as an "individual" part of the whole. Your brain hides the truth for functional purposes. 

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@Nahm Allowing the ego to preoccupy awareness with the comparing of ideas and concepts in the mind is where something like truth comes from. I am being present accepting what is as it is, awareness in the moment doesn't have any need for the paradigm construction of truth in the mind to just be. When we remove the stories and allow the self conscious' natural ability to recognize and process ever changing information for successful navigation in our environment as an organic being is as close to what really could be called "truth" without labeling it as anything.

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@Samuel Garcia The truth has always been here but most of fail to see it. Why? Because all human history has been build around pride, it's pride that makes us not want to admit when we are wrong. Atleast most of us find their own personal/family/national pride more important than to reveal its flaws or the real truth so we grow up hiding away the imperfections.

Hiding behind modern virtual masks, taking meds instead of tackling the root of the problem. We are always looking for a quick fix and are getting more and more distant from our own feelings and true nature.. 

It has become so normal that most of fail to see it, living inside their personal bubbles.

I think a few ways to broaden our horizon is to seek for the extremes in life. See what extreme wealth and poverty is, extreme world views like religion or atheism, by watching these polar opposites you get a good feeling where they meet half way.

Knowing extremes is great to know within which bounderies our reality is playing. Thats why I'm lately interested in watching a wide variety of documenteries about different culutures, movements, etc.


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@SOUL the truth can literally be experienced, through years of the practices and or psychedelics, and sometimes by a deep crisis, out of body experience, or near dear experience. The actual truth is transcendent to a conceptual ‘truth’. Conceptual truth is actually belief / thought. Denying there is truth is a sure sign of being on the path to discovering it for one’s self. It’s part of the process. When all beliefs are dropped, including beliefs about the truth, then the experience of truth is at least available. 



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