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Anyone Who Hasn't Tried Byron Katie's Method May Want To.

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@heisenburger and anyone else reading.

I won't say not to do this because it was a part of the development work I have done - who knows how things would have gone for me without The Work.

But...a warning: The Work has a trap of denial. You might start suppressing and denying your true feelings and perhaps add a layer of guilt to the whole thing. 

"I'm not supposed to feel angry about this. I already did The Work on it and see how this isn't true and I'm messing up rn."

Just notice this if it happens to you and then let her process go. Move on to something else because that's dangerous territory. Very unhealthy.

If not, great. Enjoy the freedom.  

Edited by eskwire

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29 minutes ago, K VIL said:

@eskwire I've felt that at times. supposedly if we do the turn around -it's not the work that's the trap of denial, it's your thoughts about the work.

Right, so you would have to meta apply The Work to thoughts about The Work.

I just think The Work deals with the surface (thoughts) and there are other techniques, methods, etc. that deal with root problems (physical structure, subconscious), so if you find yourself struggling with the trap I mentioned, you may as well move on to something else. 

After applying The Work to a thought, it routinely came up again. And I found myself having to apply it to dozens of thoughts. It deals with symptoms (thoughts), so it's like having to take daily pills for multiple symptoms of a disease rather than fundamentally curing the disease.

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@eskwire it's also taxing to continually do the work. How many fucking thoughts do i have to put on paper lmao.

it's fun though on occasion. i just laugh at my projections.

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16 minutes ago, K VIL said:

@eskwire it's also taxing to continually do the work. How many fucking thoughts do i have to put on paper lmao.

it's fun though on occasion. i just laugh at my projections.

Seriously! Yeah gives whole new meaning to "getting it twisted"

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The Work is just to investigate and answer the questions but not to get somewhere. If you work with an agenda it surely doesn't work. It's the same with any meditation or inquiry.

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9 hours ago, Toby said:

The Work is just to investigate and answer the questions but not to get somewhere. If you work with an agenda it surely doesn't work. It's the same with any meditation or inquiry.

Yes and no.

You aren't supposed to meditate trying to feel a certain kind of way while you are meditating. Trying to get in a "meditative state." So, in that sense, you aren't supposed to try to get somewhere.

But it's perfectly fine to have a meditation practice for a reason: deal with anxiety, get enlightened someday, focus better at work, etc.

So, yes, you do The Work by answering the questions without expectations, but if you are plagued by the same unhealthy thought patterns after repeated Work sessions, then why bother? You can do something else.

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