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The Us Is Evil?

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Given the new north Korea incident where trump vows to nuke an entire country, and the already mass slaughter of civilians, is the US currently the most evil country. It seems like if the world had a villain the US seems likely to be it. 

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Trump's picture should be in the dictionary under Ego.  I'm not judging him.  He has an interesting life, and he chose it and worked hard for it.  He is a fascinating case to study.  We need to realize that one way to live is not necessarily better than another way to live.  The people who cling strongly to judging Trump should have their pictures in the dictionary under Ego too.  Is that paradoxical?  Well . . . What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  Think about it.  From God's perspective Trump is just fine, and so are his critics, and so are the people who don't care about him.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@heisenburger Rather than villains, try to see it as unconsciousness playing itself out.

Every country has plenty of it going around.

North Korea and Russia are no angels.

The problem with the US is our rampant materialism driven by unchecked technology and corporatism.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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