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Starting A Podcast About Mental Health

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G'day guys. I would like some feedback on a project/life purpose idea that I have been working on.

One of my aims through this project is to catch up and have deep and meaningful conversations with people who I look up to and inspire me (similar to Tim Ferris). 

My aim is to have deep and meaningful conversation with these unique individuals in hopes to gather wisdom and ideas that I hope will help me and anyone else struggling with mental health.

Some of the individual’s in these episodes may have a better grip then others.

Some might not even have a grip at all.

But I hope that with their participation and consent. By sharing these conversations online I would like to think that it helps us all somehow by simply sharing our thoughts vulnerably and authentically in hopes to connect us all on a deeper level because it is so easy to get caught up in our own minds.


This project will also be connected with RRpeat :
An online space that myself and a few other friends plan to use to create and share videos,podcast,blogs on self help content for mental health,physical health and spiritual health.

So far I have been trying to build up the habit of simply creating podcast and interview as many people as I can to get in my hours and training. 
This is also in line with my "Life purpose course" ( I am half way through it).

If you guys could give me any sort of feedback,suggestions,advice I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you 
from Sydney Australia :)

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I really like the idea, I really like the presentation. 

Just one thing, I think you should during your intro mention which type(s) of mental issues are getting covered in that particular episode. And make sure it is also in the title of the podcast. 

Like: Tim Smith on OCD. 

And then say Hello this is Tim Smith he is this, he has done this, etc etc, and we talked about his OCD. I am sure you will do a better job then me but you get the point. 

Because the reason is when the podcast starts you start talking with these people easing them into it. Which I understand it's the polite way to do and all. But let's say if someone has borderline personality disorder then they may be very interested in a interview with someone who has borderline personality disorder. Because that's what they can relate to. But if it's not clear from the intro and the title they never know what they are going to get and it will be hard to keep their attention span. And even if they listen for 10 minutes and then they guy you interview starts talking about OCD for example, the person listening with borderline personality disorder will lose interest. 

I like it a lot. I just gave you this long example because I think it's an easy fix. 

Edited by SFRL

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@kwax check out the wakeup project  They have a forum on the 17th through to the 19th which will contain people who are not necessarily successful, but are deeply wise. Go to their events and connect with those people through your podcast. I have and its what keeps me going

Edited by electroBeam

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1 hour ago, SFRL said:


Thanks for the feed back bro. Yeah Ill keep working on improving the actual show its baby steps. My very first podcast episode has evolved alot since and it really is because people are giving me feed back so I really appreciate it man and will take it on board.

@electroBeam . Sounds great and I wish i had the money to attended because I am in Sydney now :(

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