
Life Purpose = Life Career?

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Is it the same? Is it necessary? 

Choosing one and only one to do in life always sounded scary to me.  Even as a kid I had mutliple interests. I dreamed of being an astronaut, a paleontologist, an animator...and various other things.

I know that Leo said most people fail because they never stick with something. But in this day and age of constantly expanding opportunity and's so hard to focus only on one job/profession/aspect of life. Maybe we need to revisit our understanding of a career.

What if self-improvemt is my life purpose? What if I want to get excellent all my hobbies? I still need to understand myself and reach a certain level of maturity before I can help/teach others.

I just want to explore life to the fullest.

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The truth is that you can´t be excellent in all of your hobbies, maybe you can be very good at them, but that is a total different thing of being excellent. Inspiring people isn't good at something, they are awesome! 

If you want to have a fulfilled (ego) life you just have one choice, choose a specific area of your life and dedicate your career to it. Why? Is the only way to be really excellent, in a way that almost anyone can be as you are at something. 

Life purpose is the why and the how you will do whatever you will do, it's much more than what will be your career.

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Hello @Neuroticon

You can be multi-talented and master many fields. Don't worry about that.

You need to learn to align your talents, skills and abilities with your purposes. Step back and see the big picture of all your interests. Contemplate about it. Make a list of interests that are most dear to you. Does one stick up more than the others?

Self-improvement is always an improvement of something substantial that you consider part of you (or an extension of yourself). 
(When self is "nothingness", than there is no sense in improving it, right? So we improve and manage all the things we are creating, are connected to or surrounded by :-))

When you have a dream or a life purpose, you will know which of those parts you want to utilize, what you need to upgrade and master.

You should commit to a purpose, so all your talents and abilities are focused. Then you will improve as you go.

This doesn't mean that you should shut your eyes to new possibilities.
You can also upgrade your dreams, goals and purposes.
Spmetimes a new door opens and changes a whole lot of our previous outlook.

Just don't lose yourself in too many tasks at one given time. Master the pieces one at a time. That's the way masterpieces are born. ;-)



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@Neuroticon  What excites you the most? What gives you the best feeling? The most enthusiasm? The most aliveness? At this moment? Act on that.

And watch this:


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remember my friends, success is subjective, what you see successful might be a failure in other people eyes.

and what might work for them doesn't mean it would work for you to, don't worry to much about the future, worry about what you have at your hands now, what do you need to do, yes plan up ahead but don't worry about it, plan up head 10 years, or 20, it is up to you how far you can plan and how much you can do, but remember once again, you have limits in everything, ability, stress, learning capabilities & speed, work capabilities & speed, stamina, time ... etc

so instead of worrying about EVERYTHING try to worry about few things at a time, stick with your projects or life tasks and try to ask others for consoling (is what your doing seems right?), but don't try to ask (what to do to be successful) that's kinda ... meaningless.

and yes, just as a reminder, what i learned from life, if you put honest effort in anything ... it never get wasted, even if the results were harmful to everyone, there is no effort get wasted, there is no null result. believe it or not anything that you learn about can be use used or reused in other places, fields in different ways, or can inspired new solutions by upgrading them, combine them and convert them to fit where you want to place them.

Edited by Cookiesliyr

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