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Observing The Ways We Criticize

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I would like to invite you to observe during 24 hours all the different ways we still criticize.. Of course only if it's also your case..

In order to understand it and so eventually drop it..

Anyway, I will do it and if anyone is interesting in the result, I will share it

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Actually, I'd invite you to observe not only your criticism but everything you think. Not actively observing it all of the time, but putting some awareness in it. This way you really learn how you manipulate yourself and others.

Be careful with stopping it. I know, it seems like a noble goal. It also seems like a noble goal not to eat meat, to be kind and forgiving. However, seems that this doesn't work to good in the long run with most people. Why? Because you let the devil know. You say, I'm going to observe my criticism and then I'll just stop it.

Won't work. And as it won't work you will feel shitty because you see how you are not in control of yourself. And then the Jo-Jo effect kicks in. If you really want to stop something, you completely let go of it without even the intend of letting it go. You just let go and never come back because there is no need to do so. However, this takes some real deep understanding of yourself.

Cheers to you! :P

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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I understand what you mean and@Pinocchio I'll go to sleep soon :)

My purpose is to pooint out one thing after another, since I observe my thought for years,

I remarked the last time it has become a kind of superficial habit.

So I try another way..

@Arik " Won't work" I'm not that sure.. 

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