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Wrinkles Cream

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What kind of cream do you rub on your wrinkles.

I never used this stuff, never use lotion or anything. 

I have always looked young for my age, even was told so recently. 

But lately I am starting to notice these wrinkles in my forehead. I don't like it. I looked at some pictures from a year or two ago and I can see they were already there. Maybe they are getting worse I don't know. 

So what do you use against wrinkles? 

I am a White male 33 years old. 

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Never rub, always dab. 

Wear sunscreen asap to prevent further aging. (An antiaging one and suitable for your skin type) 

Any anti aging cream could do the trick. They help but they don't do miracles, as you see, it's more about prevention than treatment. 

I can highly recommend : 

KORRESBlack Pine Firming, Lifting & Antiwrinkle Eye Cream, 

The  eye cream & serum are the must haves not only on  this brand, because they are the most effective and concentrated products. 

Have fun!  

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@SFRL when it comes to wrinkles retinol is the magic ingredient and there are a lot of studies which demonstrate it.there are a lot of creams and serums which contain retinol as their main ingredient usually they are on the pricey careful though with retinol because is a very potent ingredient and can irritate your skin especially in the beginning as your skin is not used to it. i recommend to start with creams which contain low concentration of retinol and as your skin get used to it you can increase the concentration.  don't know which brand to recommend because i personally don't use any.

but the best advice i have to give is not to make wrinkles a big deal. just try to keep your body healthy and clean in order to function at its best. our body is not meant to be an ornament but a tool that serves us to get access to our higher self.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

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Drink more water or consume more high water content fruit, maybe a little more exercise and less time on the screens/artificial lighting.

MSM(Organic Sulfur), Aloe Vera, Coconut Oil are very good for skin so maybe lookup natural creams with those ingredients (Organic if you can) always better and that should aid in but overall most things come from diet/lifestyle. Heal the inside and the outside will follow :)

Edited by pluto


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Coconut oil is amazing if you don't mind being a bit shiny, un-parfumed. It also has a sun protection factor of 8. Generally the more chemicals in your cream the worse. 

All that crap made by Loreal and Nivea only makes it worse, toss all those into trash if you are using any. Always look for natural ingredients in creams without toxic chemicals. Especially important for sun protection. 

A cucumber juice, freshly pressed at home, consumed daily is an amazing way of battling wrinkles. There are also some face life exercises, you could probably find hundreds of videos and blogs on that. 



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Well, it is true that with advancing age, skin losses collagen and elastin proteins, skin gets dehydrated and it is when you need some good skin care products. To combat the visible premature ageing sign, fine lines, dark spots and get a wrinkle-free skin, you can use naturally extracted anti aging cream. It is the best anti-aging remedy for young & wrinkle-free skin for ageless glow. 

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You can try essential oils that are good for skin and wrinkles. Frankincense is the best, also lavender and rose. You'd want to mix with coconut oil or another mild oil or face lotion.

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I have tried many products for removing the wrinkles on my face, but I used the essential oil which was recommended by one of my friends. With the help of that oil, the wrinkles were removed in  2-3 months.

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Well shit I am 34 now. I didn't like it at first that I got some wrinkles but it is what it is. I got peace with it now. I will just let then go my way. I still get labeled as mid twenties all the time so I guess I am ok. 

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