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The Truth 3d Illustrated! (must Watch!)

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Watch this and say how closely it resembles your understanding of the Truth?


Edited by egoless

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I could only watch 1/3 but this dude seems like he understands what’s up.

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4 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I could only watch 1/3 but this dude seems like he understands what’s up.

I just don't understand one part. If there is only void and nothingness in reality how can it have consciousness to imagine all of this reality? Then it's not nothingness anymore right?

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4 minutes ago, egoless said:

I just don't understand one part. If there is only void and nothingness in reality how can it have consciousness to imagine all of this reality? Then it's not nothingness anymore right?

Lemme watch the whole thing so I can comment fairly.  Gimme a few mins.

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You can’t take the language literally.  You gotta see that he is using language to point you to look within your own experience.  Take what he is saying and self inquire over how it relates to your experience.  Don’t try to believe, that’s a trap at this level of discourse.  He even says so at the beginning.

This is a well done story about enlightenment.  But belief and being are apples and oranges, so you need to be reading between the lines too.  

Awareness is not a concept.  The void is you.  It’s an Awareness that can become “self conscious.”  

You are a self aware field of no-thingness — empty awareness.  Look inside!  You’re not gonna get any deeper understanding with theory on this point.  You gotta look inside and just be aware more.  Mindfulness over thoughts — being able to deconstruct the illusions — takes you far in this work I’ve found.  

How does what he is saying describe you?  That’s where you’re gonna get the cash-value of the theory he presents.  Otherwise you’re stuck in ideology mode, which side-steps the elephant in the room.  The elephant in the room is: you are that void he is talking about.  This is not mere trading in beliefs.  It’s a way of pointing you to observe yourself deeper.  

You are something very different from what you have assumed you are.  Learn this by careful observation, careful mindfulness, at this point.  The theory is useful, no doubt; but you gotta do the observing part a lot too.  Lots and lots of observing, lots and lots of mindfulness.  That’s what I’ve been doing for a while now myself — and man it’s paying off!

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Why even try to explain the unexplained? When your kundalini is moved far enough to experience something extreme, after that you have reached enlightenment. Because what you experience denounces everything mankind has ever said or written into nothingness, useless chatter. It's not just about experiencing some phony who am I stuff, it's much much more than that. Most spiritual true masters would be announced mad or psychosis, in truth they have experienced something extreme, they have transcended experience itself, the world is nothing for them, everything is a phony lie trying to deny the ultimate truth, which is the existence of almighty God, and supernatural entities. Finding out what or who I am is just the first step, the road is much longer and extreme. 

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12 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You can’t take the language literally.  You gotta see that he is using language to point you to look within your own experience.  Take what he is saying and self inquire over how it relates to your experience.  Don’t try to believe, that’s a trap at this level of discourse.  He even says so at the beginning.

This is a well done story about enlightenment.  But belief and being are apples and oranges, so you need to be reading between the lines too.  

Awareness is not a concept.  The void is you.  It’s an Awareness that can become “self conscious.”  

You are a self aware field of no-thingness — empty awareness.  Look inside!  You’re not gonna get any deeper understanding with theory on this point.  You gotta look inside and just be aware more.  Mindfulness over thoughts — being able to deconstruct the illusions — takes you far in this work I’ve found.  

How does what he is saying describe you?  That’s where you’re gonna get the cash-value of the theory he presents.  Otherwise you’re stuck in ideology mode, which side-steps the elephant in the room.  The elephant in the room is: you are that void he is talking about.  This is not mere trading in beliefs.  It’s a way of pointing you to observe yourself deeper.  

You are something very different from what you have assumed you are.  Learn this by careful observation, careful mindfulness, at this point.  The theory is useful, no doubt; but you gotta do the observing part a lot too.  Lots and lots of observing, lots and lots of mindfulness.  That’s what I’ve been doing for a while now myself — and man it’s paying off!

I know that there is lot of work to be done to achieve higher consciousness. But understanding my true nature conceptually will only aid this process I think. Why Nothingness needs to be self aware? Why can't it just exist as nothingness without any other additions? I don't understand how and why nothingness got awareness then it is not nothing anymore??? Like why can't pure nothingness exist without all these egos, illusionary reality and other additives?

Edited by egoless

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@egoless , essentially what @Joseph Maynor is saying is correct. The only way to find the answer to anything you are asking is to look within your self. And until That smacks you in the forehead (metaphorically speaking) , it doesn't make any senses beyond an attempt to grasp a concept. The reason for that is that The Absolute is absolutely nothing. There is nothing there at all. In other words, THERE IS NO ANSWER! That is why from the base of "I am full of shit" (or absolute humility if you prefer) clarity bubbles up. 

What people often miss is that the 3 aspects are inseparable, with focus drawn only towards 1 aspect (in denial or acceptance), this is false as That doesn't deny anything, at all. That is the base, the unconditional, the unchanging realness.

Try look at it this way That is simply the glue that binds, the canvas that we are all painted onto. It is ever present, unlike the painting which is ever changing. This might help, when you look at a fire, it appears separate to you, this despite the fact that you can feel it, smell it, see it, hear it. What is it that carries the fire to your senses? You can't see it, yet it is there That is the unifying field that binds all.

The problem is that we walk around gathering beliefs and concepts about who we think we are, and what we think life is about. These are rocks that we fill our pockets with so that when we attempt to swim across the river, we sink to the bottom and have to turn back. The irony (or the joke) is that when you get across to the other side you see that there was never a river in your way at all. 

Look within and keep asking, get out of the way of your self, and you might be pleasantly surprised. 

Edited by Brimstone

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1 hour ago, Brimstone said:

@egoless , essentially what @Joseph Maynor is saying is correct. The only way to find the answer to anything you are asking is to look within your self. And until That smacks you in the forehead (metaphorically speaking) , it doesn't make any senses beyond an attempt to grasp a concept. The reason for that is that The Absolute is absolutely nothing. There is nothing there at all. In other words, THERE IS NO ANSWER! That is why from the base of "I am full of shit" (or absolute humility if you prefer) clarity bubbles up. 

What people often miss is that the 3 aspects are inseparable, with focus drawn only towards 1 aspect (in denial or acceptance), this is false as That doesn't deny anything, at all. That is the base, the unconditional, the unchanging realness.

Try look at it this way That is simply the glue that binds, the canvas that we are all painted onto. It is ever present, unlike the painting which is ever changing. This might help, when you look at a fire, it appears separate to you, this despite the fact that you can feel it, smell it, see it, hear it. What is it that carries the fire to your senses? You can't see it, yet it is there That is the unifying field that binds all.

The problem is that we walk around gathering beliefs and concepts about who we think we are, and what we think life is about. These are rocks that we fill our pockets with so that when we attempt to swim across the river, we sink to the bottom and have to turn back. The irony (or the joke) is that when you get across to the other side you see that there was never a river in your way at all. 

Look within and keep asking, get out of the way of your self, and you might be pleasantly surprised. 

All these words... we don't know anything what is true and what is just words. Do you consider yourself Enlightened? Than I can take this answer and consider that you simply can't express it because you already know it. But if you are not Enlightened I would prefer that you describe your understanding of it so far. I can speak same to others but do I know it yet? No... so that would be a big lie from me. Let's drop all these metaphors and poetry for a moment and let's make simple and on point explanation of how we understand on an intellectual level the nothingness. This is all I ask for in this topic. I don't ask for perfect or correct answers. I ask for the best try as this guy in the video attempted.

Edited by egoless

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Ok, lets see what arises in a more practical sense. To try and bring a pointed focus lets just try and focus on each question at a time. I will try and keep my answers short.

1 hour ago, egoless said:

Do you consider yourself Enlightened? 

I used to think I was enlightened, but today I do not. The moment of enlightenment was like nothing else, it was recognition of That. I could tell you a story of why and how that was enlightenment (for example it manifested in the physical realm as witnessed by others) but really it is just a story, and I do not see a point in revisiting it as it created a new identity over time. If you feel as though you need to hear the whole story msg me and I will tell you away from public viewing.

I didn't watch the video to be honest, as  I was at work when I first saw it so didn't click play.

3D - to me implies 3 aspects. I see the 3 aspects as That (Nothingness - utterly unperceivable) - Conciousness (perceived as thought) - Physical (perceived as senses)

The 3 fields are insepperable.

Does that make sense?

To try and keep it clear can you try and ask short specific questions and I will try and give short and specific answers (knowing that there is no answer that has been realised that is more accurate beyond no answer, at least not to my awareness)

Edited by Brimstone

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8 minutes ago, Brimstone said:

Ok, lets see what arises in a more practical sense. To try and bring a pointed focus lets just try and focus on each question at a time. I will try and keep my answers short.

I used to think I was enlightened, but today I do not. The moment of enlightenment was like nothing else, it was recognition of That. I could tell you a story of why and how that was enlightenment (for example it manifested in the physical realm as witnessed by others) but really it is just a story, and I do not see a point in revisiting it as it created a new identity over time. If you feel as though you need to hear the whole story msg me and I will tell you away from public viewing.

I didn't watch the video to be honest, as  I was at work when I first saw it so didn't click play.

3D - to me implies 3 aspects. I see the 3 aspects as That (Nothingness - utterly unperceivable) - Conciousness (perceived as thought) - Physical (perceived as senses)

The 3 fields are insepperable.

Does that make sense?

To try and keep it clear can you try and ask short specific questions and I will try and give short and specific answers (knowing that there is no answer that has been realised that is more accurate beyond no answer, at least not to my awareness)

1) What is nothingness? - emptiness? void? are all these the same?

2) If nothingness has awareness then how is it nothing anymore?

3) If nothingness has egos, experiences and illusion how is it nothingness (emptiness, void) anymore?

Edited by egoless

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1. Think about it. What is nothing? What can you say about it? What do you see as the space between you and the fire when you look at the fire? That is That, it is inconceivably empty, that which does not change or in more popular terms it is Absolute.

2. Nothingness is just the base, it is inseparable from the other aspects. 'Pure' awareness is just awareness from the perspective of base.

3. Do you see how you seperate something from nothing? They are inseparable, you can not have one without the other, that is the nature of duality and how our minds have been conditioned. Think about it, look at any object. What would that object be if you took the nothingness away that appears to surround it? All is yin and yang, not just yin or yang.

Does that make sense?

You ask good questions which is important? Ask the same questions within you though, without taking a bunch of ideas as to what you expect the answer to be and see what arises? Don't stop until there are no answers left.

I hope the above is helpful in some way.


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8 hours ago, Brimstone said:

1. Think about it. What is nothing? What can you say about it? What do you see as the space between you and the fire when you look at the fire? That is That, it is inconceivably empty, that which does not change or in more popular terms it is Absolute.

2. Nothingness is just the base, it is inseparable from the other aspects. 'Pure' awareness is just awareness from the perspective of base.

3. Do you see how you seperate something from nothing? They are inseparable, you can not have one without the other, that is the nature of duality and how our minds have been conditioned. Think about it, look at any object. What would that object be if you took the nothingness away that appears to surround it? All is yin and yang, not just yin or yang.

Does that make sense?

You ask good questions which is important? Ask the same questions within you though, without taking a bunch of ideas as to what you expect the answer to be and see what arises? Don't stop until there are no answers left.

I hope the above is helpful in some way.


2) why can't There exist something and nothing without each other? Why is it impossible for only pure nothing (void) to exist without everything else?

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10 hours ago, egoless said:

2) why can't There exist something and nothing without each other? 

Something is nothing, just as nothing is something. They are one and the same, there is nothing g that separates them. That is why it is more accurate to say neither not-something nor not-nothing. 

10 hours ago, egoless said:

Why is it impossible for only pure nothing (void) to exist without everything else?

Who says it doesn't? 

You are objectifying what can not be objectified. Like the eyes, you can not see them, but they see, they are not objects until you look in the mirror and say they are my eyes, yet they are what is looking at the mirror.

Its all very silly really. The question is do you want to get to the heart of the matter and see who you are or not? If you do then you need to leave all your ideas behind and look within. Only in the present will the gift reveal itself.

No one can do it for you, it is up to you.

Either do it, or do not.

Edited by Brimstone

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4 minutes ago, Brimstone said:

Something is nothing, just as nothing is something. They are one and the same, there is nothing g that separates them. That is why it is more accurate to say neither not-something nor not-nothing. 

Who says it doesn't? 

You are objectifying what can not be objectified. Like the eyes, you can not see them, but they see, they are not objects until you look in the mirror and say they are my eyes, yet they are what is looking at the mirror.

Its all very silly really. The question is do you want to get to the heart of the matter and see who you are or not? If you do then you need to leave all your ideas behind and look within. Only in the present will the gift reveal itself.

No one can do it for you, it is up to you.

Either do it, or do not.

But unless it conceptually makes some sense you would not be open to that possibility. Looking within as you call it requires lots of time and dedication. Why would someone "loose his time" if the Truth offered in the end does not make sense to him. What if all this is deception and just another religion? Yes from Enlightened perspective somebody may be sure that it is not. But from beginner perspective it could seem so. That's why I find it so important to design as clear intellectual representation of this Truth as possible.

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Totally. To be perfectly honest I came at it from a similar angle. I wasn't someone who meditated,  I didn't have a specific religon, although I favoured Jah as the label I placed on That as reggae music was my thing. 

Don't sell yourself short on looking within and time, it's a natural occurence. If you have a realisation follow it and use it, implement it in what you are doing. Cracks will appear and it will start to open up. That is already knocking at your door, that is why you question and you are here.

Logically speaking, Truth makes perfect sense once realised, being that nothing makes sense and is real. Think about it, nothing makes sense, no thing makes sense, nothingness makes no sense. It is completely logical, and so simple that you do not see how logical it is as you are looking for meaning where there is not. I mean seriously, how can any of this make sense, life feels empty because it is. None of it makes sense at all. Life simply is, pure and simple.

That is the heart of every religon, although of course the egoic aspect of consciousness distorts and manipulates so that we miss the simple essence at the core of it all. Religon in it's purest form is simply to know God, the rest is just projections of nonsense. That is the how people of every religon can wake up, whether you care to accept that or not. Don't you see That wants you to know who you really are, that is why religon exists.

Consider this, imagine if all religon was clothed in the same garment, how boring would that be, if we all walked around as the same. I personally couldn't think of anything more depressing. That is why I celebrate the diversity of what is, and what appears to be beyond an infinite number of possibilities as to how that manifests. It is freaking magic beyond belief, all from the One Source. 

What if it is all deception?

To be honest I have considered the potential that this is just a mind loop within consciousness, which is a thought that makes sense sure, but you know what, discovery of That, and living and acting with awareness of That as your centre in every breath is such a simple and beautiful way to live. In its purest form a natural expression of love, compassion, humility, peace. It saddens the heart to see how easy that is to reach, while it appears as so far away. Like I said I am not there today but I can here the undeniable call of silence at my door, and I am opening up.

I don't need you to follow me or believe me, all I am saying is to find the answer within yourself. I don't have an answer for you, how could I when there is no answer? And whether you believe me or not to be perfectly honest is just noise.

No matter how you cut it up, you can not deny that this moment right now is happening, it just is. Nothing makes more sense than that.

Hope this makes sense and is helpful in some way


Edited by Brimstone

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29 minutes ago, Brimstone said:

Totally. To be perfectly honest I came at it from a similar angle. I wasn't someone who meditated,  I didn't have a specific religon, although I favoured Jah as the label I placed on That as reggae music was my thing. 

Don't sell yourself short on looking within and time, it's a natural occurence. If you have a realisation follow it and use it, implement it in what you are doing. Cracks will appear and it will start to open up. That is already knocking at your door, that is why you question and you are here.

Logically speaking, Truth makes perfect sense once realised, being that nothing makes sense and is real. Think about it, nothing makes sense, no thing makes sense, nothingness makes no sense. It is completely logical, and so simple that you do not see how logical it is as you are looking for meaning where there is not. I mean seriously, how can any of this make sense, life feels empty because it is. None of it makes sense at all. Life simply is, pure and simple.

That is the heart of every religon, although of course the egoic aspect of consciousness distorts and manipulates so that we miss the simple essence at the core of it all. Religon in it's purest form is simply to know God, the rest is just projections of nonsense. That is the how people of every religon can wake up, whether you care to accept that or not. Don't you see That wants you to know who you really are, that is why religon exists.

Consider this, imagine if all religon was clothed in the same garment, how boring would that be, if we all walked around as the same. I personally couldn't think of anything more depressing. That is why I celebrate the diversity of what is, and what appears to be beyond an infinite number of possibilities as to how that manifests. It is freaking magic beyond belief, all from the One Source. 

What if it is all deception?

To be honest I have considered the potential that this is just a mind loop within consciousness, which is a thought that makes sense sure, but you know what, discovery of That, and living and acting with awareness of That as your centre in every breath is such a simple and beautiful way to live. In its purest form a natural expression of love, compassion, humility, peace. It saddens the heart to see how easy that is to reach, while it appears as so far away. Like I said I am not there today but I can here the undeniable call of silence at my door, and I am opening up.

I don't need you to follow me or believe me, all I am saying is to find the answer within yourself. I don't have an answer for you, how could I when there is no answer? And whether you believe me or not to be perfectly honest is just noise.

No matter how you cut it up, you can not deny that this moment right now is happening, it just is. Nothing makes more sense than that.

Hope this makes sense and is helpful in some way


I have seen some religious people who were deeply sure that their belief is the ultimate Truth. Many of those people existentially were feeling the presence of their god. You would see peace and inner happiness in their eyes. How do we know Enlightenment is not the same? What if our brain makes the Truth what we believe strong enough? 

Edited by egoless

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You have got it @egoless . It is very healthy to question everything.

'Enlightenment' is exactly the same as every other religon, it points towards That, don't take any of it is gospel, that is the centre of the problem.

My advice is don't listen to people who tell you if you do X,Y,Z and you will know the ultimate Truth. That is a load of nonsense, as there is no one way. Just do what feels right and is natural to you personally. Find what resonates and try and find who you are, what your source is. No one can tell you that, as it is so deeply personal to your life experience. 

In a sense it is just a matter of surrendering to your self.

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