
Why Enlightened People Can't Bend Reality?

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So basically my question is - when somebody fully realizes that he is the pure consciousness and not body why does not he gain ability to change the rules of the "game"? Is realization and being what you truly are two separate things? If you realize that you are the whole universe why can't you bend and distort the reality? Why everything remains the same for Enlightened people?

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You have no control. That’s the mind at work.  All you are is being the field of perceptual awareness.  You are a self aware field of awareness.  The problem is that thoughts are making stuff up that looks and sounds real but is not.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@egoless that's not reality, that's the illusion.   But what if, in actual reality, you were actually eternal, and you dreamt yourself up an unbelievably convincing reality where you could do anything you wanted! That'd be sweet.  Maybe you did and don't realize it yet. Maybe not.  



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Pure consciousness is just one aspect@egoless

How could realisation and being be seperate?

I know someone who went through awakening and they told me that consciousness offered them 3 times all the power to travel through consciousness which would give them untold power. It frightened the crap out of them and they rejected it 3 times.

I personally think it was a trap and just another trick of the mind. After all, how can you alter what is, which is the sum of everything that ever happens?

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 Is realization and being what you truly are two separate things?

Being what you truly are is a progressive realization of what you truly are, it never ends.


If you realize that you are the whole universe why can't you bend and distort the reality? Why everything remains the same for Enlightened people?

This depends on how much DNA gets activated during the journey. You can activate more strands of the DNA and then super powers Will be available. xD 

I activated some super powers during my journey (I did some activations...). I did a thread about it here:


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1 minute ago, Brimstone said:

Pure consciousness is just one aspect@egoless

How could realisation and being be seperate?

I know someone who went through awakening and they told me that consciousness offered them 3 times all the power to travel through consciousness which would give them untold power. It frightened the crap out of them and they rejected it 3 times.

I personally think it was a trap and just another trick of the mind. After all, how can you alter what is, which is the sum of everything that ever happens?

yes your answer might explain it - Reality is sum of everything possible which is consciousness nature right? Ok but then let's contemplate on new question - how does self aware consciousness experience itself? If time does not exist then all our past and future happens at once right? I would speculate that it happens all next to each other in infinite strains of possibilities and consciousness just "moves" through them experiencing everything. But again - what is this pure awareness - does it exist? there is no distinction between existence and non-existence? 

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how does self aware consciousness experience itself?

b609a8f85268b4715ee26c0b0804cdf0--circuit-workshop.jpgBashar's reality generation matrix?



 If time does not exist then all our past and future happens at once right?

No. Past and future exist now. Past and future are just a different parallel reality.


I would speculate that it happens all next to each other in infinite strains of possibilities and consciousness just "moves" through them experiencing everything

From what I recall Bashar said that consciousness is shifting trough these parallel realities millions of times per second.


But again - what is this pure awareness - does it exist? there is no distinction between existence and non-existence? 

Awareness is beyond existence and non-existence.

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@egoless No. Bashar's videos get deleted from YouTube all the time. But do your own research on Bashar and you Will find some answers for sure.

Here's a link to a page that summarizes some of his teachings.

Edited by AleksM

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@egoless as I said consciousness is only one aspect, although it is no different to any of the other aspects, there is nothing that seperates them, just as nothing seperates the projector, the screen, and the image being projected, they are one and the same.

The difficulty you are having is that you are trying to understand how that sees this, which is impossible as there is no gap between that and this, they are one and the same. It is only a slight adjustment in perspective, and is a lot closer than we all think. Why do you think that is? (clue: the answer is in this response)

The only question that really matters is no question, which gives the only answer that has any value, no answer. Nothing is more Truthful than that, the rest is just noise. Until you experience That, it doesn't make any sense, with the reality of the situation being that you are never not experiencing That, which is the joke of it all.

It's just how it is.



Edited by Brimstone

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@AleksM I've got to admit the Plaideans always scared the crap out of me as it always appeared like a pretty good set up to create a Brave New World. Have you ever seen the movie Logans Run?

That is just my ego talking though. 

Edited by Brimstone

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Maybe they can bend the reality, but you don't know about it. Maybe they do that all the time in other universes inaccessible for you at the moment. Maybe they will never be able to do that in this universe you live in, as it's You, The Real You who desire for it to be in a such way. :)

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Who isn't trying to bend reality @Girzo

Which segue's perfectly back into the original question of this thread, "Why Enlightened People Can't Bend The Reality?"

The answer being that the enlightened person realises that you can not bend that which is unbendable, which gives rise to the question, what is real?

Edited by Brimstone

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In whose mind @Nahm ?

Can you please explain to me the difference as you see it so I do not place my assumptions onto what you are saying? 

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15 hours ago, egoless said:

why can't you bend and distort the reality?

You can. Go grab a plastic straw and bend it all you like.

Or grab a wrench and bend a steel pipe.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Certainly humans, like god, are endowed with the ability to create and destroy which really reflects on the modern mess this beautiful blue ball came to be.

Edited by mk0998

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