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Did I Possibly Fall Into A Trap?

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I have been doing strong determination sitting for 1 hour a day for the past 6 months. About 3 months ago, I really had strong effects for a period of a month including very deep meditation states, purging, wave ripples and pulsations all over the body, etc. Since then, these effects have worn down a lot. They are still there but not as powerful or intense. Also what I don't understand is that the effects I have experienced in the past 6 months have been strong in meditation, but then when I look at my daily life outside of formal practice, I don't see much change. Any insight would be appreciated. 

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@zunnyman Well, the fact is, 1 hour per day is just a bare minimum. You gotta do some retreats or psychedelics to get some really serious depth. It takes years of practice for it to start infecting your everyday life.

You should also start practicing mindfulness outside of formal sitting. Walking meditation is a good way to start.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, zunnyman said:

I have been doing strong determination sitting for 1 hour a day for the past 6 months. About 3 months ago, I really had strong effects for a period of a month including very deep meditation states, purging, wave ripples and pulsations all over the body, etc. Since then, these effects have worn down a lot. They are still there but not as powerful or intense. Also what I don't understand is that the effects I have experienced in the past 6 months have been strong in meditation, but then when I look at my daily life outside of formal practice, I don't see much change. Any insight would be appreciated. 

I got a lot of results by doing a lot of self-inquiry and contemplation work.  I also had one profound trip on Salvia Divinorum.  Working with the theory is not to be under-emphasized either -- that's what triggers your awareness epiphanies.

I notice that there's a silly taboo against theory in enlightenment, but you do need theory to grow faster.  Theory is like a catalyst in Chemistry, as are profound psychedelic experiences.   But theory is a double-edged sword too if you don't also learn how to dump the theory in favor of awareness.  I've found a nice balance.  Theory now serves my awareness rather than distracting from it.  You gotta make sure you don't fall into the trap of believing the theory like ideology, but rather use it to calibrate your awareness muscles.  It takes a journeyman's touch to negotiate the theory without getting trapped by it.

You might need a profound psychedelic experience more than anything -- an experience of ego-death.  Once you see that you can't unsee it.   That moved my awareness up a few pegs when I had my trip.  It got me beyond beliefs to a profound awareness of Being.  Now, what's cool is more shifts are happening that are kind of balancing things out now.  I feel like my enlightenment is getting both deeper, but also wider too.  Wider in the sense that I am less neurotic about "being enlightened" and just let go and let what happens happen.  So, I am re-acquainting with much of what I was doing before, but in a more conscious way.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor How do you fit that in with your meditation routine? I find it hard to balance since I meditate in the morning for 30 mins, then I have school and when I come back in the afternoon I do 1 hour. 


In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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4 hours ago, Max_V said:

@Joseph Maynor How do you fit that in with your meditation routine? I find it hard to balance since I meditate in the morning for 30 mins, then I have school and when I come back in the afternoon I do 1 hour. 


I worked my ass off since I joined the forum 4 months ago.  Probably more than most would.  So, my results are abnormal.  I almost treated this like a full-time job.  It was worth it.  Sometimes you gotta brute force it in life.

The most useful thing I think I got from all this work is the organization and use of the theory without clinging to it in an inadvisable way.  Used in the right way, the theory can expedite your enlightenment.  Of course, you gotta organize and figure out a way to apply the theory -- derive the theory through self-inquiry and contemplation.  But also watch all of Leo's videos with highlighter in hand.  Take notes!  Lots of notes.  Organize those notes.  Figure out how to apply those notes.  Like that.  That's how you do constructive work.  It's like self-study.  I've watched all of Leo's videos multiple times.  There's a lot of juicy gold in those videos if you can figure out how to capture it and use it.

Ten variables:

Daily review/organization of theory/notes + meditation routine + a profound psychedelic experience + self-inquiry work (a little bit daily) + walking meditation + constant mindfulness of thoughts + watch 1 Leo video per day + forum participation + stay clean (stay away from all shit whether it be people, culture, food, negativity, temptations) + practicing “being perception”.

I have a binder of theory that I made that I review 1/4 at a time 4 times daily.  I also meditate 6 times daily for 10 minutes each.  

Practice "being perception" too:  Watch:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor Hopefully I can go at it as hard as you are one day too.

Currently I'm trying to find my way in school and engaged in psychotherapy to solve my insecurity and anxieties. Never thought digging so deep in your psyche can be so tiring haha.

Edit: Also I can remember when you only had about 600 posts. Man you went hard on this forum :D

Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@zunnyman as pleasant as these experiences can be they are not important. They come and go and what you might be experiencing now is resistance to those experiences being gone or not as strong as you would like them to be.

Do you have any practice you use when not sitting and meditating? It helps carrying over the meditative state from formal practice to real life.

I used to practice surrender 24/7 pretty much.


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@WelcometoReality How do you practice surrender 24/7? I tried that during the day, but I noticed I don't know what the fuck I am doing during my day and its realy hard to stay mindful cuz of all these distractions and just the daily rut and neurotically running around. 

@Joseph Maynor So basically you are saying when you get an experience of ego-death progress starts to shoot up after that. 

@Leo Gura I've been also doing self inquiry and yoga these days too, but yeah ur right 6 months aint shit. I guess I just need to be more fuckin patient haha 

I'll really consider the retreat idea. That seems easier to get into than psychedelics right now. 

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27 minutes ago, zunnyman said:

@WelcometoReality How do you practice surrender 24/7? I tried that during the day, but I noticed I don't know what the fuck I am doing during my day and its realy hard to stay mindful cuz of all these distractions and just the daily rut and neurotically running around. 

Not during sleep. :) Yes in the beginning it's constantly like that. You forget the practice. You slip into your old habits again and again. Just reapply the practice whenever you become conscious. After a while it will become second nature to you.

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