
How To Get Rid Of Emotional Triggers?

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I mean, I've broke up with my ex it's almost a year and there's some things that still trigger me emotionally.
What should I consciently do, to get over it?
When I say triggers I mean by musics, I can't stand hear some bands or some kind of atitudes / words.
Would anyone have some words to help?

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Don't try to control.  Just watch the situations.  Be aware of the process.  Watch all the emotions and see how these events play themselves out.  Be an observer.

These are not your emotions.  Don't identity with anything.  You don't exist.

Start to see how the ego, the identity; creates all negative emotions.

So -- this is a good time for you!  Be happy!  Watch and learn.  Observation is how you grow.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Be aware and curious. Take a step outside of yourself and watch the episode as if it’s a movie scene. How fascinating it can be

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@blacksapp Monkey mind is a trap covered in trap buried in trap.    Practice your focus. The past is gone. Bliss is now.  All the love you could ever handle is right under your nose.



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