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San Pedro

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If anyone has worked with San Pedro before I'd love to hear about your experience. I have access to do San Pedro im just unsure if its something worth trying

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3 hours ago, herghly said:

If anyone has worked with San Pedro before I'd love to hear about your experience. I have access to do San Pedro im just unsure if its something worth trying

Yea, I've thought about making a thread about it for a while now, but just haven't out of laziness.  Everyone seems to forget about mescaline for some reason even though it's amazing and one of the most easily obtainable by anyone who can order cactus cuttings off amazon.  Perhaps I will soon.  It's my favorite psychedelic.  Probably the single best one for personal development (out of the ones I've tried anyway).  

Totally worth doing.  Do your research and give it a shot.  

Edited by Heart of Space

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1 hour ago, Heart of Space said:

Yea, I've thought about making a thread about it for a while now, but just haven't out of laziness.  Everyone seems to forget about mescaline for some reason even though it's amazing and one of the most easily obtainable by anyone who can order cactus cuttings off amazon.  Perhaps I will soon.  It's my favorite psychedelic.  Probably the single best one for personal development (out of the ones I've tried anyway).  

Totally worth doing.  Do your research and give it a shot.  

How is it different to other psychedelics? Ive heard its referred to as the "father" and ayahuasca is the "other"

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Actually I would love to try mescaline more than any other psychedelic. The "bad" thing is that San Pedro or Peyote - as far as I've heard - don't taste that good and are of course hard to dose.

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