Son of leo

Can We Reach Enlightenment Through Masturbation??

85 posts in this topic

You can for sure if you do a lot of self inquiry and meditation when not masturbating..!xD

Edited by Sigma

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Nop, because when you masturbate, you will become full of yourself :) 

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When you masturbate you should inquire. "Who is masturbaiting?" "Whos dick is this?" "Whos hand is this?" Also don't forget this one: "Who is having this orgasm?"


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Some people reach enlightenment in the dentist chair without any meditation or even knowledge of enlightenment. So, there's a chance. But spontaneous enlightenment through masturbation is probably more of a long-shot than getting struck by lightening the same day you won the lottery. That said, orgasm is called 'the little death' so I suppose it is possible. 

Even thought @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj was probably kidding, you could probably ask yourself those questions if you wanted to do a masturbation meditation thing. But you'd be inquiring into questions like "Where is the pleasure coming from and where does it go?" "Is there a body?" and just focusing on the raw perceptions of the experience. 

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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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"Mom, that's not what you're thinking, I'm just getting enlightenment!.."

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On 22.2.2016. at 2:25 PM, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

When you masturbate you should inquire. "Who is masturbaiting?" "Whos dick is this?" "Whos hand is this?" Also don't forget this one: "Who is having this orgasm?"

Awesome reply :D For sure somebody will try this later because of you and this will be your first influence on others B|

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10 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

"What's a fine looking girl like you doing in a dump like this... Wanna help me get enlightened?"

Whomever you're talking to :D´


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Just now, Pinocchio said:

Whomever falls for it :ph34r:

Ouch! :P



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On 22.02.2016 at 1:25 PM, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

When you masturbate you should inquire. "Who is masturbaiting?" "Whos dick is this?" "Whos hand is this?" Also don't forget this one: "Who is having this orgasm?"

Haha, you got me with this one. Couldn't take it seriously. Who would care of thoughts in moment like this? Thoughts just vanish or at least are irrelevant when appearing during fucking or masturbating.

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1 hour ago, kkk said:

Awesome reply :D For sure somebody will try this later because of you and this will be your first influence on others B|

Dear god...


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On 22.2.2016 at 4:39 PM, Emerald Wilkins said:

Even thought @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj was probably kidding, you could probably ask yourself those questions if you wanted to do a masturbation meditation thing.

@Emerald Wilkins @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj I challenge both of you to ever get aroused enough to have an orgasm while seriously contemplating "Who am I?" or "What am I?". xD Just kidding here.

You can get enlightened while sitting on the toilet reading the newspaper. Just look at the Zen practice and how they enlighten  people. Yesterday night I meditated while listening to an Alan Watts lecture about Zen stories and they really do crazy stuff to shock you so spontaneously and directly that you have to awaken.

So who knows, right? ^_^

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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