
First Acid Trip Picture Drawing

5 posts in this topic

Hey all. Just had my first acid trip (solo) and today is reflection day. Here's what I drew. 

Note: I do not normally consider myself a creative person.


Edited by ZX_man

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@ZX_man Physicists David Bohm refers to something like that when he talks about the Implicate- explicit order. The implicate order being the ground state of pure potential of information (life force) While the explicate order is the world of gross form. He goes on to say that in truth, they are one in the same and inseparable.

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That's exactly what happens when done without any expectations and the right set and settings you step out of the rat race and you just observe the universe from a outer-perspective so to speak its wonderful. I found this link a while ago i believe it explains it very well. Thanks for sharing


Edited by pluto


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