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The Enlightened Self

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Hello! I'm new here but since some time I've listened to Leo's vidios on You Tube. It's great to have some possibility to discuss some topics. Sorry for my english, I'm learning and I come from Poland.

I'm more or less in the way of seeking for methods to gaining the enlightened-state.

I've just listened to the newest video "The Enlightened Self" and some doubt has occured to me: if the true-self is just the "nothing-self" or "everything-self" so why we as the consiousness creatures are feeling, affecting and have capabiltity to act as this only-one creature with this one pair of hand, one pair of legs and one head - not the capability to act elswere in the world and as any other creature??? If we are ALL - why do we have power only to act as ONE Person, not as any other person or for example a tree or a stone???

I might overlooked something. Please explain me your point of view in this subject.


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Absolute consciousness acts through an individual organism.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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But if we are ALL why we don't feel everything like a God? If there is no invidualism this logic should have sense. It would be extreme-crazy but it looks like: we are all - we feel all.  I'm quite far from enlightement if I don't understand ...

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5 minutes ago, Kini said:

But if we are ALL why we don't feel everything like a God? If there is no invidualism this logic should have sense. It would be extreme-crazy but it looks like: we are all - we feel all.  I'm quite far from enlightement if I don't understand ...

God is with you right now, you just haven't realized it yet. When you are identified with the ego you are merely confused with who you are. You have this vague sense of that you are your thoughts, senses and body, but you can't quite pinpoint what the real essence of you is. There is definitely a vague story about who you think you are but when you get to the bottom of that you might be surprised what you'd find.

Get to the bottom of the story how you define your life. This will take contemplation and work so you have to have a yearning for the truth about your life.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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47 minutes ago, Kini said:

But if we are ALL why we don't feel everything like a God? If there is no invidualism this logic should have sense. It would be extreme-crazy but it looks like: we are all - we feel all.  I'm quite far from enlightement if I don't understand ...

I recommend reading The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.  I believe its been published in several languages.

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2 minutes ago, Ramu said:

I recommend reading The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.  I believe its been published in several languages.


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Ok, but I still don't understand why my consiousness is assigned to only one body? If there is ONE universal soul of the world, why don't we have the ability to feel each other emotions, hear thoughts, act physiclly etc... It's still unclear for me

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7 hours ago, Kini said:

Hello! I'm new here but since some time I've listened to Leo's vidios on You Tube. It's great to have some possibility to discuss some topics. Sorry for my english, I'm learning and I come from Poland.

I'm more or less in the way of seeking for methods to gaining the enlightened-state.

I've just listened to the newest video "The Enlightened Self" and some doubt has occured to me: if the true-self is just the "nothing-self" or "everything-self" so why we as the consiousness creatures are feeling, affecting and have capabiltity to act as this only-one creature with this one pair of hand, one pair of legs and one head - not the capability to act elswere in the world and as any other creature??? If we are ALL - why do we have power only to act as ONE Person, not as any other person or for example a tree or a stone???

I might overlooked something. Please explain me your point of view in this subject.


You're making an assumption that there are other beings. Emptiness is the container for your perceptions and thoughts. That is existence itself. Other beings are content within your perception. So, "you" are all of it. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 hour ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

You're making an assumption that there are other beings. Emptiness is the container for your perceptions and thoughts. That is existence itself. Other beings are content within your perception. So, "you" are all of it. 


I remember I talked to Chuck Hillig, (" Seeds for the Soul" ) his famous book.

And I asked him: " How real other people are?Are they just my illusion?"


He said: " You are a dreamer within a dream, none of you is real"


Please explain to me, when have time, of course :)

Does it mean that I am the only Real Consciousness within this Time/Space Dimension? 

If I die, the world is going to collapse?


I know it is a stupid question, but it is so freaky to understand that I am the only "Real" here.....


Once Leo replied  me to seek Enlightenment to answer this question. 


Thank you, Dear :)



"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Also, I get that there is no me, I still can not bring this puzzle together.

I am not real, other people as well, nobody is going to die, this is all Illusion.


I am confused.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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9 minutes ago, Galyna said:


I remember I talked to Chuck Hillig, (" Seeds for the Soul" ) his famous book.

And I asked him: " How real other people are?Are they just my illusion?"


He said: " You are a dreamer within a dream, none of you is real"


Please explain to me, when have time, of course :)

Does it mean that I am the only Real Consciousness within this Time/Space Dimension? 

If I die, the world is going to collapse?


I know it is a stupid question, but it is so freaky to understand that I am the only "Real" here.....


Once Leo replied  me to seek Enlightenment to answer this question. 


Thank you, Dear :)



The answer is that no one knows the answer to that question. But if your goal is enlightenment, trying to answer this question is just more thought content and can never produce awakening. To think that you're a small being in an infinite universe is an assumption. Thinking that you are the only thing in existence is an assumption too. Both fall on the other side of the horse because they are rationalizations. 

The idea is to become aware and present of the FACT that you really can't know. It is when you empty your cup of assumptions and beliefs regarding reality, that you can become ripe for a breakthrough of enlightenment which occurs beyond thoughts, understandings, and concepts. The best thing you can do is to get present to the fact that you really don't know. "Not-Knowing" is a state that Peter Ralston talks about as the state you must be in to have an enlightenment breakthrough. 

All that said, your subjective experience is closer to the concept that your field of awareness is all of existence. So, explore your subjective experience beyond the idea that you're a small person in an infinite universe. If you can't see your eyes, they don't exist in your field of visual awareness, so they are a belief. If you aren't in your house it becomes a belief that your house exists. It doesn't mean that they DEFINITELY don't. It means that you don't know and can't know. This is the radical openness needed for a breakthrough which will come whenever it wants to. 


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Hey Guys (Emerald and Pinocchio),


Thank you  very much for your responses, it is greatly appreciated, really….


I am so happy and grateful to Leo for creating forum for us, because it feels definitely much better, knowing that there are so many people asking same questions.


For Emerald:


After so many times of "masturbating my mind", I really do not know any more, I am in this state, where it feels like, I truly do not know what’s going on here. But I still want to ponder about it, my mind does.


For Pinocchio:


Yeah, I am trying to contemplate on time quite often, lately I came to the conclusion, that even “Now” is not the right word for something that’s going on in this Time/ Space Reality.


Feels like “Now” is only a definition and is defined by Past and Future, what gets us in the trap. We should come up with a new word, lol :) , because "Now" is just an extreme of past and future words!!!

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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One of the great poins about enlightenment for me is feeling more responsable for the other people rather than carrying only about yourself.

Reality is about Us not about me. 

Nothingness opens the door to everything as you are not only centered inside of your ego.

The true self is about breaking the cage of animal mode and going to the scientific/spiritual discoveries through alot of observation 

and serious inspired work.

For real improvements you need inspiration and faith in the future.@Pinocchio @Galyna @Emerald Wilkins @Kini @Ramu @Leo Gura

(My little contribution here --> But i have alot of doubts about no freewill beacuse i'm a composer and creativity flows here, so i believe you have the true freedom of choice when you create unique things for all !)

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5 hours ago, Galyna said:

After so many times of "masturbating my mind", I really do not know any more, I am in this state, where it feels like, I truly do not know what’s going on here. But I still want to ponder about it, my mind does.

That makes sense. I fall into the trap of getting involved in the mental chatter. What helps me is to dis-identify with the thoughts. So, realizing that if you are aware of a thought coming up, you have no control over it or ownership of it. So, the rationalizations will come on their own. But don't listen to their content, just be aware of them as a presence. So, you can even label them as thoughts as they come up.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 hour ago, framu said:

Is the feeling body a part of the ego?

The ego is the content of a thought that all other beliefs and assumptions are centered around. It is nothing more than the core false assumption on which all other assumptions are based. So, the ego only exists as the content of a thought. An emotion on the other hand is the sensation that springs into your awareness in response to a thought. So, you can have an emotional response in relation to the thoughts of ego and the ones built off of it. But emotions themselves are not the result of ego.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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17 hours ago, Kini said:

Ok, but I still don't understand why my consiousness is assigned to only one body? If there is ONE universal soul of the world, why don't we have the ability to feel each other emotions, hear thoughts, act physiclly etc... It's still unclear for me

Kini...You are asking a good question. Leo's understanding of things does not answer your question. There is more to the picture than he thinks or if he knows he's not saying. What Leo said in this latest video is almost there but not 100%. By the way most people here wont agree with what Im saying. But your question is TOO good and Leos view of things doesn't explain it. I believe that Leo's amazing ability to do research and go through different traditions and sort of pick out what makes sense to him is great. I believe one day he will get a more accurate view of the world and the truth! Just know that theres still a missing piece of the puzzle according to his explanation and that missing piece will answer your question. But have respect for Leo's sincere quest for the truth. He will get there one day :)

Edited by TruthSeeker

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@TruthSeeker The missing piece of the puzzle is your enlightenment!

You're trying to understand non-duality by staying in duality! This cannot work. It's absurd.

You're not going to make sense of this sitting where you're at. Become enlightened first, then return to your question -- if it still even makes sense to you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 2/22/2016 at 11:33 AM, Kini said:

Ok, but I still don't understand why my consiousness is assigned to only one body? If there is ONE universal soul of the world, why don't we have the ability to feel each other emotions, hear thoughts, act physiclly etc... It's still unclear for me

@Kini Having an ability presumes there is someone or something there to have it. For someone or something to be, there must be something there to "witness it" or allow it to be. If there is duality, there is distinction and so we are not yet at the true Self.

If you feel another's emotions, hear their thoughts, etc. a distinction has been made between yourself; the other person; as well as the thoughts and emotions. There is a "me" who is aware of a "something else". In that case, you are aware of your distinction from another, but you are not awareness itself. In other words, there is something that awareness is aware of or is witnessing. That which can be witnessed is not the Self. In that case, how could you feel or hear that which is not yourself?

Another thought you may wish to consider is that emotions, thoughts and activity happen post awareness. In order for an emotion, thought, etc, to be, there must be something there to "witness it" or allow it to be. All things regardless of whether they are tangible or intangible are what awareness "sees" or is aware of and so not awareness itself.

Finally, who is it that wants to feel emotions or hear the thought? Is this a desire? What is a desire? Where does it come from? For whose benefit is it? Does awareness have any desires?

Remember, this is all heresay. You will need to do the work and see if it is true for yourself.

Not sure how much sense this makes to you, but I hope it helps.

Edited by Sargon

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