Inquiry On Where Attention Arise From.

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One of the most subtle inquiries I have done, and one of the most rewarding (when I undertook it) was to Inquire upon where my attention (that I put on different objects) arises from. It resulted in some mind blowing fundamental shifts in how I experience life. I am not going to say what.. that would only put ideas in your head to stagnate in. One good exercise is to do that Inquiry in front of a mirror when looking yourself in the eyes, and doing it so effortless as possible.

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Interesting exercise. The most interesting to me is to what my attention is trying to avoid. There are some parts of my face which I don't find particularly attractive and my attention is trying to block out those parts and focus on the "good" parts. There are clearly some self esteem issues there I have to delve deeper into.


RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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It's supposed to bring you to a blank. So that you get used to the emptiness. But it's important that you don't try to hold on to anything.. whatever arises passes through. One of the biggest aha moments for me was to recognise that one needs to let go/surrender to the experience for it to be realised.

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I wonder if this "surrender" is important in the invisible head experiments?  I keep just getting to the edge of it.

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