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Should A Guy Pay For The First Date?

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@SFRL So, you are dissecting your brain and just tossing out the evolved stuff? Like it doesn't really exist?

From our discussions, I long ago figured out you are addicted to sex. You can make large claims about that being our true nature, but what goes on for you is not so for everyone. 

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@SFRL I recall no admission of that through private message. If you actually admitted it, good for you. I'll review it.

If you want to perceive this discussion as me trying to one up you and make lil jokes about monkeys, that's fine. My take on it is that you frustrate and irritate my sensibilities because you use people and teach others how to use people. I have no problem asking you questions about your mindset or confronting you. 

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1 hour ago, SFRL said:

@eskwire yeah authentic relating....

The way I see it is like this: What is more authentic then admitting to yourself that as a human being you are just a baboon. 

Really we are just monkeys. So what we like, our motives, we are just like a monkey. Thats our true nature. So you realize that and act in line with your monkey drives then you are being authentic. Instead of sugar coating it with all sorts of our highly developed human frontal cortex brain. Deep down we are just a monkey.

There is an animalistic drive in us that runs very deep and very strong that comes out in many subtle ways throughout the day. We are animals, after all. And these instincts are home to the power source that gives us energy. And when that energy is transmuted and channeled toward higher consciousness pursuits, it produces beautiful fruit. But if we keep that energy focused toward lower consciousness pursuits, it produces only shit. Then we are so low that we fling that shit at each other. Because when we glorify lower conscious pursuits above higher consciousness pursuits it is then that we become no different from monkeys. And the individual and society as a whole will suffer for it.

I don't mean to insult you in anything I say in the rest of the post, but I would like to share with you my perceptions of you. You seem to have adopted this outlook on life because you're jaded and bored by modern society and you take for granted all the great things that we have come to discover: material and intellectual. And because of this, you seem to romanticize the past and fail to see the messes that we've taken ourselves up out of simply by focusing more toward higher consciousness pursuits. So, to my perception, you seem to think it would be better and more interesting to go back to a more animalistic way of being.

Maybe you feel like the modern way of being is stale and inauthentic because it is disconnected from that power source. And this is fair enough. We are afraid of going backwards as a society, so many people want to ignore it because they don't know how to integrate it. And things do get stale sometimes because we lose that vitality.

I also think that maybe you feel like you'd be recognized as having more social status because the lower nature is almost always male dominant, just like the hierarchies found in chimp societies. It's law of the jungle; the bigger, stronger, and more aggressive person is more highly ranked in society. And 95% of the time, that person will be male. From your past posts that I've read and the vibe of them, I sense that you feel powerless to women on a deep level, because many of your posts seem to be in a state of reactivity against this feeling. There's a bitterness that I sense in you. So, maybe you consciously or subconsciously feel that, if you can reduce humanity down to the level of chimps in your mind, then there would be no chance that you would ever have to feel powerless against women ever again because you would automatically rank higher on the social hierarchy. Then, this also crosses over the sexual instinct which is part of the lower nature, so it cross-multiplies the level of attachment to the lower nature as a perceived means of salvation. These are just my perceptions though. Correct me if I'm wrong.

But to be interested in sex that has a tie to that animalistic drive is natural and desirable. If that energy doesn't come to the table, then sex is lack-luster. But to reduce the entirety of our humanity to sex is an extremely harmful limiting belief. Reading your posts, it feels like you've made a prison for yourself out of sex and masculine identification.

Edit: Just to clarify, I didn't read the previous four posts prior to writing this. So, I wasn't reacting to the sexual addiction thing that eskwire mentioned.

Edited by Emerald

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