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Pictures Of Teacher For Devotion And Recognition

9 posts in this topic

Looking at some of the teachers can make me so happy and be so reassuring. You can see clearly the joy, love and truth of our being when looking at their eyes. A great meditation tool! And remember, the light of the screen is also the light of the Self. :) 

Shinzen Young, David Spero, Adyashanti


Mooji, Ramana Maharshi, Papaji


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Who needs friends when you can fall in love with your computer screenOsQ6qWG.jpgMooji, Ramana Maharshi, Ad Oostendorp, Naropa, Martin W. Ball, Rupert Spira
Papaji, David Spero, Adyashanti, Chris Celine, Nirgun John, Shinzen Young

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very nice,

we just need one of our beloved Venerable Dalai Sri Sri Baba Bagawan Swami Paramhansa Leo Guraji

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Be careful with idol worship. Look yourself in the face instead.

Kill the Buddha and all that jazz.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's not so much about me or them, looking at their faces opens my heart, and it's a very easy exercise as apposed to meditation sometimes, I find it incredibly useful, also the light of the universe (of your computer screen, pictures) also is God/intelligence, it's also not an accident that I think all religions have meditation practice along with worship in them.

Love you Leo :)

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@AlwaysBeNice I can see where you're coming from. Your intentions are good, and that can work as a technique.

But it also can easily turn into a distraction.

So "watch out" is my only point. Many potential traps on this path.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Some of these faces are really creeping me out. I don't know I'm seeing a lot of smiles that seemed forced. I don't know maybe it's just me.

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